
В данный многотомник вошли биографии военачальников которые с 1921 по 1945 гг. занимали должности помощников и заместителей командиров дивизий кавалерийских, стрелковых, горнострелковых, мотострелковых. Биографии составлены на базе учетно-послужных карт офицерского состава и списков командно-начальствующего состава Красной Армии. Многие биографии публикуются впервые. В 8 том вошли биографии на букву Г (часть 1).


One of Amazon's Top Twenty Books of 2015 • Selected as both a Publishers Weekly and Kirkus Reviews Best Fiction of 2015 • Longlisted for The Guardian 2015 First Novel Award "The illiterate lover and eventual wife of a coauthor of The Communist Manifesto is the star of this enthralling work of historical fiction." —O: The Oprah Magazine"Lizzie has been brought to life with exuberant force." —The New York Times"Impressive. . . . A memorable portrait of a woman looking for a cause of her own, distinct from the one made famous by her husband." —The Wall Street Journal"Lizzie is as spirited a narrator as a reader could hope to encounter." —The Minneapolis Star TribuneVery little is known about Lizzie Burns, the illiterate Irishwoman and longtime lover of Frederick Engels, coauthor of The Communist Manifesto. In Gavin McCrea’s debut novel, Lizzie is finally given a voice that won’t be forgotten.Lizzie is a poor worker in the Manchester, England, mill that Frederick owns. When they move to London to be closer to Karl Marx and family, she must learn to navigate the complex landscapes of Victorian society. We are privy to Lizzie’s intimate, wry views on Marx and Engels’s mission to spur revolution among the working classes, and to her ambivalence toward her newly circumstances.Yet despite their profound differences, Lizzie and Frederick are drawn together in this high-spirited love story.


[b]“Zaharieva packs several genres into one, including but not limited to pastoral idyll, sexual coming-of-age story, and feminist memoir. Ultimately, she presents life in all its messiness and possibility, vivid enough for the reader to almost taste.”—Publishers Weekly"This is powerful, controlled writing.”—Rain TaxiI turned up in the seaside town of Nesebar—an inconvenient four-year-old grandchild, just as my grandmother was raising the last two of her six children, putting the finishing touches on the house, ordering the workmen around and doing some of the construction work herself—thank God for that, because at least it used up some of her monstrous energy. Otherwise who knows what would've become of me.In Bulgaria during the height of communism in the 1960s, six-year-old Manda survives her cruel grandmother and rural poverty by finding sheer delight in the world—plump vegetables, garden gnomes, and darkened attic corners. The young Manda endures severe beatings, seemingly indestructible. But as a middle-aged artist in newly democratic Bulgaria, she desperately tries to feed her damaged soul with intrepid creativity and humor.


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“In less than a century after Muhammad’s death, Islam swept through Asia, Africa and Europe, dominating an area larger than that of the Roman Empire at its peak. This book represents 3.5 years of efforts, researching and editing hundreds of books and Internet sources, resulting in an authoritative biography of 420+ Islamic and Arab leaders, during the past 1,500 years.”



