
Лука Модрич – лучший хорватский футболист в XXI веке, один из самых зрелищных и полезных хавбеков мира, признанный лучшим игроком планеты в 2018 году. Хорват является эталоном игры в полузащите, ведь Модрич успевает везде: он, как дирижер, прекрасно управляет атаками своей команды, а в защите никогда не уступает своему оппоненту, несмотря на скромные габариты. В Хорватии он уже давно стал живой легендой. Автобиография Модрича – это история, как великий талант благодаря бесстрашию и неуступчивости становится лицом хорватского народа и своей маленькой страны. Став беженцем в шестилетнем возрасте и ощутив все тягости войны, Лука дорос до уровня лучшего игрока мира и выступает на самых известных футбольных стадионах.


В 1917 году Джон Р. Бринкли прибыл в крошечный городок Милфорд, штат Канзас. Здесь он открыл медицинскую практику и представил диковинный метод восстановления угасающей мужской силы – с использованием козлиных желез. Тысячи клиентов быстро превратили «доктора» в самого богатого и знаменитого хирурга Америки. Его слава привлекла внимание другого великого шарлатана – Морриса Фишбейна, который поклялся выбросить из бизнеса «самого дерзкого и опасного» мошенника страны. Но все его усилия, казалось, только подстегивали Бринкли к новым вершинам – он занялся радиовещанием и политикой, причем его методы предвыборной агитации используются до сих пор. Чем закончилась их игра в «кошки-мышки»? И был ли на самом деле Бринкли изобретательным шарлатаном, искалечившим сотни пациентов, или медиком-экспериментатором, как профессор Преображенский из булгаковского «Собачьего сердца»? В этой книге Поуп Брок раскрывает тайны одной из самых громких афер в истории Америки.



In 1984, John Hanrahan was featured in Interview magazine's iconic Olympic Issue as one of America's top athlete's vying for a spot on the US Olympic Team. He had come within a point of defeating the mighty Soviet world medalist and had defeated other international competitors. He had a shot at a lifelong dream, but then abandoned the final trials. The coach searched frantically for him at LaGuardia airport. He was nowhere to be found. He hadn't exactly fallen off the face of the earth; his face was appearing in worldwide ad campaigns as a top fashion model―but he’d become crippled by addiction, unable to face his competition, and unwilling to confront the severity of his situation.Then, in 1985, Hanrahan died from an overdose. He went to a divine place while a doctor worked frantically to revive him. He was shown the prayers of loved ones and given another chance at life, and he feels he came back for a reason…He returned wanting to shout his story from the rooftops, but was unable to fully share his experiences to help others. He was shackled by the stigma of being judged as an addict, and it wasn’t until he nearly lost his own son to the ravages of addiction that he broke through and gained the strength and courage to tell his story. He describes how he continued to work amidst the craziness of the world fashion markets―Milan, Paris, Zurich, Tokyo, and New York―while trying to find his way toward exorcising the demons of his past and gaining a life worthy of the one he had miraculously regained.He transformed himself to become the trusted personal trainer to influential New Yorkers, such as John Kennedy Jr., Julia Roberts, Howard Stern, Natasha Richardson, Diane Sawyer, Rosie O’Donnell, Mercedes Ruehl, Betty Buckley, and Joan Lunden. He moved his family west and quickly corralled a high-powered Hollywood client base, including Patricia Heaton, David Geffen, Tim Burton, Sandy Gallin, Tara Reid, Beverly DeAngelo, Annabella Sciorra, Cyndi Lauper, Donald De Line, Amy Pascal, Kevin Huvane, Bryan Lourd, Davis Guggenheim and Graydon Carter…all while keeping his past a secret.


Author is a prolific and personable up-and-coming writer with a rapidly growing following and social media presence. Her successful Momsieblog.com receives up to 12,000 visitors a month and her articles have been featured on Huffington Post and Substance.com, while her essays have been published in Today’s Christian Woman, and most recently in a woman’s anthology, Aspiring to Inspire (Durham Editing, 2014). Author frequently speaks and leads workshops on writing and addiction, most recently on “Courage and Recovery,” “Good Wit and Good Writing,” and women in recovery. Unlike competitive titles that are often bleak and grim (Drunk Mom by Jowita Bydlowska), Bottled is written with humor and laugh-out-loud sarcasm that will provide much needed levity and a refreshing perspective on an issue that is too often treated with deadly seriousness. More than half of the book focuses on the recovery process and its attendant family dynamic, in contrast to many comparable memoirs that spend the majority of their pages detailing the excesses and grim experiences of active addiction. Book includes an Appendix with a questionnaire helping to determine the extent of one’s addiction development or potential, recovery resources, and information on twelve-step recovery.


The author is a sought-after speaker on addiction, meditation, recovery, and spiritual healing who has motivated thousands of people all over the world with his message and teachings.Readers will be captivated by the author's unflinching honesty, vivid descriptions, and compelling message.


Character is Destiny provides a rare and unique glimpse into Pehr Gyllenhammar’s professional triumphs and failures; and his successful efforts to shape industry in Europe, most notably with his creation of the European Roundtable of Industrialists which revitalized Europe’s infrastructure through projects like the France-England Channel Tunnel. Character is Destiny also provides a window into his friendships with some of the great luminaries of the world. It is equal parts history, politics, and Gyllenhammar’s own personal philosophy—the foundational elements of his life have always been humanism, a fierce commitment to integrity and truth, and a deeply-rooted respect and admiration for the working class. The author of six previous books published in Sweden, for the first time Gyllenhammar has chosen to create an original English-language book in concert with an American editor/writer. The resulting work is directly relevant to the English-language reader and Character is Destiny offers his own wisdom as to what people must do if they hope to see a future in which global business and democracy will survive.


After an extraordinary four-year battle, Gabi Lowe lost her beautiful, talented 20-year old daughter, Jenna Lowe, to Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension, a rare degenerative lung disease, following a double lung transplant on the 8th of June 2015. Brilliantly written, Get Me To 21 will inspire us to believe that the ability to face even the darkest and most unimaginable, lives deep within us all.


Зачитывались в детстве Александром Дюма и Жюлем Верном? Любите французское кино и музыку? Обожаете французскую кухню и вино? Мечтаете хоть краем глаза увидеть Париж, прежде чем умереть? Но готовы ли вы к знакомству со страной ваших грез без лишних восторгов и избитых клише? Какая она, сегодняшняя Франция, и насколько отличается от почтовой открытки с Эйфелевой башней, беретами и аккордеоном? Как жить в стране, где месяцами не ходят поезда из-за забастовок? Как научиться разбираться в тысяче сортов сыра, есть их и не толстеть? Правда ли, что мужья-французы жадные и при разводе отбирают детей? Почему француженки вместо маленьких черных платьев носят дырявые колготки? Что делать, когда дети из школы вместо знаний приносят вшей, а приема у врача нужно ожидать несколько месяцев? Обо всем этом и многом другом вы узнаете из первых рук от Марии Перрье, автора книги и популярного Instagram-блога о жизни в настоящей Франции, @madame_perrier.


“The powerful origin story of one of Yellowstone’s greatest and most famous wolves.” — Washington Post “[ The Rise of Wolf 8 ] is a goldmine for information on all aspects of wolf behavior and clearly shows they are clever, smart, and emotional beings.” — Psychology Today Yellowstone National Park was once home to an abundance of wild wolves—but park rangers killed the last of their kind in the 1920s. Decades later, the rangers brought them back, with the first wolves arriving from Canada in 1995. This is the incredible true story of one of those wolves. Wolf 8 struggles at first—he is smaller than the other pups, and often bullied—but soon he bonds with an alpha female whose mate was shot. An unusually young alpha male, barely a teenager in human years, Wolf 8 rises to the occasion, hunting skillfully, and even defending his family from the wolf who killed his father. But soon he faces a new opponent: his adopted son, who mates with a violent alpha female. Can Wolf 8 protect his valley without harming his protégé? Authored by a renowned wolf researcher and gifted storyteller, The Rise of Wolf 8 marks the beginning of The Alpha Wolves of Yellowstone series, which will transform our view of wolves forever.