
" At One with Nature is an inspiring collection of the latest work of Ken Yeang that further advances sustainable architecture and design. This collection features recent projects as he explores how we can achieve harmony between the natural and our built environments to create a better planet by design. Each project features and highlights not only the systems and devices adopted, but also outlines the intentions and ecological considerations demonstrating best practices for how we can proceed moving forward. The book role models our living Earth and shows how we can behave as stewards of our planet."– Cassia Patel , Oceanic Global Foundation At One with Nature showcases Ken Yeang's latest ideas, built projects designs, research work and advances in the field of designing with nature, a topic that Yeang has pioneered and developed over many decades since receiving his doctorate in ecological design and planning from Cambridge University. His ideas and work are even more pertinent today with the current state of devastation of Earth's natural systems and a biogeochemical cycle that has been extensively and severely impacted by human society. The global environment today is in a state of crisis, but what can society do to address the issues? Yeang's recent projects are presented with instructive diagrams that provide a basis for action for architects, planners, designers, engineers, and anyone whose daily work impinges on the natural environment. Offered in a highly visual, annotated format, with instructive illustrations of Yeang's theoretical books on the topic, At One with Nature is an invaluable resource that students and academics interested in designing with nature will find both informative and relevant.


The Museo Vincenzo Vela is the most important artist’s residence preserved today in Switzerland and one of the most interesting in Europe, from both a historical and a cultural perspective. The museum houses nearly all the original plasters by the Ticinese sculptor Vincenzo Vela (1820–1891). Born in Ligornetto and active for a large part of his life in Milan and Turin, Vela was a leading exponent of realism in sculpture and a fervid supporter of the Risorgimento, the political movement to unify Italy. At the height of his career, Vela built a stately home in his native village conceived as a studio and residence, where, upon his return from abroad, the sculptor presented the full-size plaster models of his masterpieces in a specially designed exhibition space. Acting on the wishes of his father Vincenzo, Spartaco Vela bequeathed the property to the Swiss Confederation in 1892. First opened to the public in 1898, the museum was modernized in 1997–2001 by the renown architect Mario Botta. In addition to a rich archive of scientific documentation, the museum holds periodic temporary exhibitions, cultural activities, conferences, lectures and concerts.



Урбанист и журналист Чарльз Монтгомери путешествует по городам мира и показывает нам их опыт. Новые данные психологии, неврологии и городских экспериментов собраны в этой книге. Счастливый город может спасти мир, и мы все можем помочь его построить. Чарльз Монтгомери – урбанист и удостоенный множества наград журналист. Автор книги The Shark God, за которую получил премию Чарльза Тейлора 2005 года в номинации «нехудожественная литература». Ведет сайт о счастливых городах, ездит по миру, делится вместе с единомышленниками своим опытом, проводит обучение и реализует различные проекты.


Mange turister rejser til Rom for at studere de mange levn fra byens antikke storhedstid, men de fAerreste er klar over, at antikken ogsa har sat sit prAeg pa en rAekke af Roms kirker.I middelalderens kirkebyggeri brugte man antikkens arkitektur som en slags stenbrud med prAefabrikerede byggematerialer. Resultatet blev nogle meget brogede og opfindsomt sammenstykkede kirkerum.I bogen fortAelles om de romerske genbrugskirkers historie, om principperne for fordelingen af de antikke dele og om betydningerne i at nedbryde og bygge pa fortiden.Derudover prAesenteres et udvalg pa elleve sAerligt skonne og varierede genbrugskirker.Bogen er forsynet med kort og andre praktiske oplysninger, som gor den velegnet til brug ved jagten pa fortiden i nutidens Rom.





"Salon-interior" – полноцветное высококачественное издание, посвященное дизайну жилого интерьера. Постоянные рубрики: интерьер, салон идей, стили и направления, события, дизайн, флора, уклад, творчество и т.д.


"Salon-interior" – полноцветное высококачественное издание, посвященное дизайну жилого интерьера. Постоянные рубрики: интерьер, салон идей, стили и направления, события, дизайн, флора, уклад, творчество и т.д.