
The expectations of a duke are simple: 1. Secure a suitable marriage. 2. Produce male heirs.For Rhys Rolleston, Duke of Harling, however, it's not so black-and-white when he catches Bellona Cherroll trespassing on his land. He's captivated by this exotic beauty, but Rhys knows she's the very antithesis of what a «suitable» duchess should be.What should he do? Avoid her at all costs. What does he do? Invite her to live under his roof!


Between the devil and the deep blue sea.Captain Benjamin Forrester’s mission is clear:To Do: travel to the Greek island of Melos and recover a mysterious statue.Not To Do: evoke the wrath of pirates by sailing away in the dead of night without the statue but with a tempting and yet completely forbidden stowaway!Thessa Cherroll desperately needs Ben’s help, so with the wind at their backs they set sail for the horizon. But at such close quarters can either resist the temptations that surface during those long, hot days – and nights – at sea?