
HE'D KNOW THE IDEAL WIFE WHEN HE MET HER!Because contractor Gabriel Logan had developed a design for his future a long time ago. And Faith Starr Addison did r?of fit the plan. She was too beautiful, too career-driven, too big-city…and much too tempting for a small-town guy like him. Gabe had learned a long time ago that her kind of woman was the kind who left. But working with Faith, side by 'side, to remodel a turn-of-the-century mansion, was putting ideas into his head–and into his heart. How else to explain why the woman who was so wrong for him now seemed so very, very right?


Becca Taylor has worked hard to overcome her troubled past and start a new life.So when CEO Caleb Fairchild marches into her life, the instant attraction to this gorgeous pinstriped man is the last thing Becca needs – especially when Caleb wants to be closer. But Becca knows that when her secrets are revealed, betrayal’s inevitable.


Practical Rachel Palmer's aversion to risk-taking led to a marriage that just didn't fit. Now single again, she's embracing her newfound independence–and the first step is taking her jewelry business worldwide! For that she needs expert help from Italian Antonio Salerno…His business help soon turns personal. And being in close-enough-to-kiss proximity to a sexy playboy makes Rachel feel she's taking a flying leap into deliciously risky territory. It's everything she's been craving…but this is a man famous for loving and leaving. Surely falling for him would be a step too far?



She didn't believe in love or marriage–for herself at least. For others, wedding consultant Kelsey Armstrong Waters planned the most perfect weddings–and hoped for the best. But her much-married parents made her vow never to step down the aisle. Until she met Will Addison.He'd come to beg Kelsey's help in planning his flighty sister's wedding, and against her instincts she'd agreed. He was handsome, sexy, a romantic who believed in love–and a man who stirred dreams she'd thought long gone. Now Kelsey was even forgetting the most basic rule: Remember–you're not the bride!Or would she be?


All widow Grace Wilcox wants is a fresh start for her and her young son Liam. When her truck spins off the icy road, her rescuer turns out to be the hottest fire-fighter in Hood Hamlet, and even wary Grace can’t say no to his offer of help!Bill Paulson has stuck to his no-dating rule so far this Christmas, but having Grace in his home is testing his chivalrous side to the limit! Her little boy is melting his heart, even asking for a new daddy from Santa… But Grace has already loved and lost one hero.Can she really let herself get close to another… ?


For waitress Jane Dawson happily-ever-afters only happen in fairy tales…. So when she approaches I sexy millionaire Chase Ryder she's thrilled he'll sponsor her charity. Of course, there's no chance Chase will be interested in a girl like her!Chase has always dated women like him, focused and controlled. But Jane's passion to help others is like a breath of fresh air. Can Chase let down his ; guard? Because Jane's a woman in a million and deserves her very own happy ending….