
Writing Built Environment Dissertations and Projects will help you to write a good dissertation or project by giving you a good understanding of what should be included, and showing you how to use data collection and analysis tools in the course of your research. Addresses prominent weaknesses in under-graduate dissertations including weak data collection; superficial analysis and poor reliability and validity Includes many more in-depth examples making it easy to understand and assimilate the concepts presented Issues around study skills and ethics are embedded throughout the book and the many examples encourage you to consider the concepts of reliability and validity Second edition includes a new chapter on laboratory based research projects Supporting website with sample statistical calculations and additional examples from a wider range of built environment subjects


As a built environment student you are likely to be required to research, write and submit a dissertation as a core component of your degree studies. As a vocational profession, students of the built environment often have strong practical aspirations. Writing a Built Environment Dissertation provides practical guidance and will help to steer you into a position where you can develop a good dissertation by mixing your practical strengths with more theoretical tools. The book is ordered around a common dissertation structure: that is, it starts with material that should be in the introduction and finishes with material that should be in the conclusion. Each chapter provides a commentary on the kind of information that you should put in each chapter of your dissertation, supported by a variety of examples using a range of methodological designs. The book has a strong focus on data collection, data analysis, reliability and validity – all areas where student dissertations are often weak. Material that will help you think about study skills and ethics is embedded throughout the book, and the chapters on qualitative and quantitative analysis will show you how to carry out a rigorous analysis while avoiding some of the complexity in statistical work. If you are an under-graduate student in the final year of an honours degree programme in the built environment, or perhaps a student at masters or PhD level and have been away from academic study for some time, then this book will help you to write a more innovative and thorough dissertation.