
“Solnishko and Maksim’s Friends’ Club” and “Games of Imagination” are the books of three authors of various generations. But they are connected to each other with a common approach towards forming of personality, family values, as well as social morality. The main characters of the book are persons still in their childhood, open to honest dialogue, deserving trust, careful attitude to themselves, to the fragile world of childish emotions, imaginations and creativity.


“Games of Imagination” and “Club of the Friends of Solnishko and Maksim” are the books of three authors of various generations with different fates, interests and life experience. But they are connected to each other with a common approach towards forming of personality. The main characters of the book are persons still in their childhood, open to honest dialogue, deserving trust, careful attitude to themselves, to the fragile world of childish emotions, imaginations and creativity.


All the characters in the book are children, who need adults’ support, care and understanding at any age. Children are very sensitive to insincerity and can’t forgive treachery. Their happiness depends on love, friendship and a strong family and they can do crazy things to reach this.


The events take place in 2198. Julia Wexler from the School of Magic in ε-galaxy is to have her internship in ω-galaxy. The events take a new twist when Julia is sent to the Earth as a participant of a teleportation program into the past. Who is Julia Wexler? Why is the school management after her and how does she win the support of the teenagers and make friends with them?