
With the second edition of his highly successful textbook 'Nanophysics and Nanotechnology', the author has once more provided a unique, self-contained introduction to the physical concepts, techniques and applications of nanoscale systems by covering its entire spectrum from the latest examples right up to single-electron and molecular electronics. The book is basically at the level of an upper level undergraduate engineering or science student. New sections have been added on the use of DNA as an organizing stratagem in self-assembly, silicon nanowires, comments on the new success toward human cloning, the achievement of self-replication in a primitive set of electromechanical robots, recognition in the extra chapters of the acceleration toward alternative forms of nanoelectronics. Additional problems have also been provided. * Free solutions manual available for lecturers at www.wiley-vch.de/supplements/


The sea is steadily rising, presently at ~3.4 mm/y, already costing Billions in Venice, on the Thames River and in New York City, to counter sea-level-related surges. Experts anticipate an accelerated rise, and credible predictions for sea level rise by the year 2100 range from 12 inches to above 6 feet. Study of the Earth's geologic history, through ice-core samples, links sea level rise to temperature rise. Since the lifetime of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is measured in centuries, and it has upset the balance of incoming and outgoing energy, the Earth's temperature will continue to rise, even if carbon burning ceases. Engineering the Earth's solar input appears increasingly attractive and practical as a means to lower Earth's temperature, and thus, to lower sea level. The cost of engineering the climate appears small, comparable, even, to the already-incurred costs of sea level rise represented by civil engineering projects in London, Venice and New York City. Feasible deployment of geoengineering, accompanied by some reduction in carbon burning, is predicted to lower the sea level by the order of one foot by 2100 AD, negating the expected rise, to provide an immense economic benefit. The accompanying lower global temperature would reduce the severity of extreme weather, and restore habitability to lethally hot parts of the world. This book is primarily conceived to aid and inform the educated citizen: aspects may also interest climate workers.


Noch hat das Motto “Alles muss kleiner werden” nicht an Faszination verloren. Physikern, Ingenieuren und Medizinern erschließt sich mit der Nanotechnologie eine neue Welt mit faszinierenden Anwendungen. E.L. Wolf, Physik-Professor in Brooklyn, N.Y., schrieb das erste einführende Lehrbuch zu diesem Thema, in dem er die physikalischen Grundlagen ebenso wie die Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der Nanotechnologie diskutiert. Mittlerweile ist es in der 3. Aufl age erschienen und liegt jetzt endlich auch auf Deutsch vor. Dieses Lehrbuch bietet eine einzigartige, in sich geschlossene Einführung in die physikalischen Grundlagen und Konzepte der Nanowissenschaften sowie Anwendungen von Nanosystemen. Das Themenspektrum reicht von Nanosystemen über Quanteneff ekte und sich selbst organisierende Strukturen bis hin zu Rastersondenmethoden. Besonders die Vorstellung von Nanomaschinen für medizinische Anwendungen ist faszinierend, wenn auch bislang noch nicht praktisch umgesetzt. Der dritten Aufl age, auf der diese Übersetzung beruht, wurde ein neuer Abschnitt über Graphen zugefügt. Die Diskussion möglicher Anwendungen in der Energietechnik, Nanoelektronik und Medizin wurde auf neuesten Stand gebracht und wieder aktuelle Beispiele herangezogen, um wichtige Konzepte und Forschungsinstrumente zu illustrieren. Der Autor führt mit diesem Lehrbuch Studenten der Physik, Chemie sowie Ingenieurwissenschaften von den Grundlagen bis auf den Stand der aktuellen Forschung. Die leicht zu lesende Einführung in dieses faszinierende Forschungsgebiet ist geeignet für fortgeschrittene Bachelor- und Masterstudenten mit Vorkenntnissen in Physik und Chemie. Stimmen zur englischen Vorauflage „Zusammenfassend ist festzustellen, dass Edward L. Wolf trotz der reichlich vorhandenen Literatur zur Nanotechnologie ein individuell gestaltetes einführendes Lehrbuch gelungen ist. Es eignet sich – nicht zuletzt dank der enthaltenen Übungsaufgaben – bestens zur Vorlesungsbegleitung für Studierende der Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften sowie auch spezieller nanotechnologisch orientierter Studiengänge.“ Physik Journal „… eine sehr kompakte, lesenswerte und gut verständliche Einführung in die Quantenmechanik sowie ihre Auswirkungen auf die Materialwissenschaften …“ Chemie Ingenieur Technik


Long awaited new edition of this highly successful textbook, provides once more a unique introduction to the concepts, techniques and applications of nanoscale systems by covering its entire spectrum up to recent findings on graphene.


This easy accessible textbook provides an overview of solar to electric energy conversion, followed by a detailed look at one aspect, namely photovoltaics, including the underlying principles and fabrication methods. Professor Wolf, an experienced author and teacher, reviews such green technologies as solar-heated-steam power, hydrogen, and «artificial leaf» approaches, as well as nuclear fusion. Throughout the book, carefully chosen, up-to-date examples are used to illustrate important concepts and research tools. The opening chapters give a broad and exhaustive survey of long term energy resources, reviewing current and potential types of solar driven energy sources. The core part of the text on solar energy conversion discusses different concepts for generating electric power, followed by a profound presentation of the underlying semiconductor physics and rounded off by a look at efficiency and third-generation concepts. The concluding section offers a rough analysis of the economics relevant to the large-scale adoption of photovoltaic conversion with a discussion of such issues as durability, manufacturability and cost, as well as the importance of storage. The book is self-contained so as to be suitable for students with introductory calculus-based courses in physics, chemistry, or engineering. It introduces concepts in quantum mechanics, atomic and molecular physics, plus the solid state and semiconductor junction physics needed to attain a quantitative understanding of the current status of this field. With its comments on economic aspects, it is also a useful tool for those readers interested in a career in alternative energy.