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Jules Bennett
Список книг автора Jules BennettАннотация
As Hollywood's hottest director, Anthony Price is used to getting what he wants. But life hands him a brand-new script when he gains custody of his orphaned niece. Now he needs his wife more than ever–only, Charlotte moved out three months ago. To win her back, he just has to prove he's ready to put family before his career.Charlotte doesn't know if sudden fatherhood will change Anthony's priorities, but she can't turn her back on an innocent baby–or the husband she still desires. Is a happy ending too much to hope for?
‘I want to give you what you need.’Matt Galloway, Texas’s most eligible tycoon, is the star Rachel Kincaid needs for the charity bachelor auction. But her scheme to recruit him sets their own passions blazing—even though he’s her friend and totally off-limits!
Will this billionaire boss fall for his assistant…and her baby? Putting his ravishing assistant in danger makes billionaire investigator Jack Carson uneasy. Till now, Jack's cared only about running his security company and bringing down the notorious O'Shea family. But using Vivianna Smith to infiltrate their organization has complicated his priorities. And burying himself in work is no longer protecting him from his feelings.The seismic attraction he's been suppressing has been tough enough. But watching Viv care for the baby she's fostering stirs up emotions from his tragic past. Despite Jack's certainty that Viv is hiding something, his raging desire is driving him to the limits of his self-control…
Brilliant Los Angeles cosmetic surgeon Noah Foster has perfection at his fingertips, which is why he can’t walk away from sexy receptionist Callie Matthews when, after an accident, her dreams of stardom are shattered and she needs 24/7 care.Noah is determined to be there for her, but being at Callie’s bedside is one thing… Being in her bed is something else…and Noah can’t resist.
Their marriage has all the makings of a romantic movie: a beautiful Mediterranean setting, a handsome prince and fantastic sex – and it’s all fake!When Prince Stefan weds Victoria, the marriage is only to secure his crown. But it doesn’t take long for buried passions to erupt…
She’s about to have an unforgettable affair…with her royal boss.He was desperate to forget a broken engagement…until an accident has Prince Lucas Silva forgetting his fiancée’s identity. Now he believes his loyal assistant Kate Barton is his bride-to-be. And she’s under strict orders to keep up the pretense.Playing the role of beloved is no stretch for Kate; she’s had a crush on her boss for years. But palace rules prohibit royalty from mixing with the help, so Kate knows her happiness can’t last. Once Luc regains his memory she could very well be tossed aside…unless the prince is willing to forget the rules, too!
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