
She could have made an excellent career in a reputable company, become a qualified and respected specialist, be an example for others. But she decided to trade love, and not for the usual reason. She did not feel an urgent need for money and did not have any problems in her personal life. No. It is difficult to understand her choice, because the philosophy of her life itself is very complex for ordinary people.So why does she do this? Don’t ask! READ!


Sometimes a hard life makes a person forget about the letter of the law, morality and compassion. The question is how long it will be before he remembers it. Here is the story of a man who did not flinch under the pressure of cruel circumstances. He does not believe that fate is predetermined, and therefore he decides to rewrite it, despite constant threats, the bitter loss of people close to him and the risk of losing the last thing that he values most in the world.


The world’s oceans keep many secrets, and the main ones are buried at the very bottom. A group of scientists goes to the depths of the Atlantic Ocean to find out about them. The research expedition begins to gradually justify itself in the very first days of the voyage. But, designed for two months, it stops as soon as it begins. After all, the main thing is not to find life at the bottom, but to save their own. Something lives in the depth that does not want to accept uninvited guests.


He is worse than Grim Reaper because his speed knows no limit and he doesn’t need a scythe to take someone’s life. He’s too fast to get away from him or to catch. Summer in Heartstone is as hot as always. But the nights will be cold this time. The blood of local residents will not have time to freeze before the engine roars and the headlights are in front of the victim’s eyes.If you see the Racer on a road, push on the gas to the limit, because then you may live a couple of minutes longer.


Our establishment cannot be found on the map. It finds clients on its own. This bar is open for those who experienced grief, could not survive a big loss, gave up and wanted to spit on the whole world.You don’t want to see anyone? You don’t care what’s going on around you? Do you believe that there is no more place left for you in this world? If you are tired and you are seized by the desire to disappear into oblivion, then you are here. There’s an ocean of free booze here…almost.Welcome!