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Minisa Robinson
Список книг автора Minisa RobinsonАннотация
• Guide to creating highly realistic pyrography portraits of domestic animals, North American wildlife, African wildlife, and birds.• Skill-building tutorials show how to burn specific features like eyes, noses, fur, etc.• Author’s social media @MinisaPyrography: 13K Facebook followers, 2K Instagram followers.• Woodburning Realistic People sold 2,597 copies with $20,745.97 since its release in June 2017.
· A complete overview and introduction into the hobby of pyrography intended for beginners · Understand the different tools, supplies, and safety precautions involved in the art of woodburning · Learn basic techniques for burning even lines, shading, black backgrounds, stippling, and more · Includes beginner-friendly step-by-step projects and patterns included on a variety of materials, from signs and boxes to frames, ornaments, and coasters · Know how to avoid and fix mistakes, then seal and finish each project · Pyrography artist Minisa Robinson is also the author of Woodburning Realistic Animals and has contributed to Woodcarving Illustrated and Pyrography Magazine