
This is a handbook for a parent looking at steps to recovering after the death of a child. One comment from a reader: «Poignant yet not burdensome. It is a spirited read exuding fragrance, a gentleness and is a soft uplifting hand to raise a parent as they watch their child euphorically fly towards the heavens» This book looks at the death of a child and a mothers coping mechanism. I wrote this book to help me understand what happened. It is a book that can comfort others who have lost family members in similar circumstances. It is also a book that can help people who havent lost a child to understand how to assist those who have.


COVID-19 has made humanity reflect on its past mistakes, current challenges, and future actions. This book looks at the problems humanity faces, and how it needs to co-exist with animals and plants in their habitats, in a socially responsible and ethical manner. A practical, solutions-driven handbook to steer humanity to a sustainable future.


Gardening can be a very rewarding hobby, providing many with serenity, beauty and accomplishment. You don't need to be an expert gardener, nor do you need green fingers or thumbs. With a little love, some trial and error, and plenty of experimentation, you can create your ideal garden. In this book, the author shares many of the lessons she has learnt over the years as she became an accidental gardener.


A hundred years ago, the world was gripped by a pandemic. Today the world is again in the grips of an uncaring and unrelenting pandemic. When will the next one come, will we be ready? This book seeks to compare Covid-19 with the Spanish Flu, with a view to extracting and documenting the lessons we have learned, and should have learned. Armed with this information, we can be better prepared for when the next pandemic strikes.