
Pure loving ALWAYS begins with self-loving! is one of the credos Bernadette is living in her own life. For THE LOVE foundation of Harold W. Becker, where she is an ambassador, she wrote the book out of her heart with many practical hands-on tips and exercise for re-discovering and re-defining what love might be for every single individual – beginning from inside|out! What love has to do with how you live, think, feeling can be explored in this little book!


Communication is everything, and yet linguistic misunderstandings are the biggest challenges in the health sector (and everywhere else!). How our faith values influence our health, our behaviour and the communication with ourselves and others, the book with many exercises will show you! Does beLIEves shape our world nor not? Disrupt everything!


Wer die richtigen Werkzeuge hat, kann so richtig erfolgreich sein.
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