
Fate is calling… After a strange encounter in a dark alley, journalist Tamriel’s life is turned upside down. She’s missing days, developing odd new abilities, and being followed by mysterious Leyth. Dark, dangerous – and too gorgeous for his own good –Leyth’s determined to teach Tamriel about her new life – as a werewolf!And just as intent on keeping their relationship strictly business. But as their simmering bond grows, Tamriel and Leyth face a bigger challenge; Tam may be their kind’s strongest weapon against the Circle, a deadly group of paranormal creatures gone rouge. That is, if she’s ready to give into her destiny and put up the fight of her life…


When the lone wolf howls, you fight or dieHer soul cruelly ripped from her body, Alison cowers in her cell, unable even to call forth her inner wolf as comfort, her dreams of a mate and pups crushed. For who would have her now, even if she could escape alive?Dax is a lone wolf, operating on the fringes of his pack. No one messes with him, and that's just the way he likes it. Rescuing Alison from the High Lord's vile clutches is all he cares about, because there's something that calls his shattered soul to hers. As their world faces its biggest threat yet, the fragile bond between these two damaged creatures rallies the pack to fight the ultimate battle…for their souls and their very survival.