
I'm breathless. Just before I walk into the classroom, I glance over my shoulder.Lo's eyes are deep and piercing. I feel the weight of them hovering, watching. Holding me motionless as time, too, stands still.I force myself to peel my gaze away from his compelling stare, making my feet obey weak commands to enter the classroom… one in front of the other, like a drone.Something hot pulses across the back of my neck, racing across my body, and I can't even think.It's not Ehmora who will be the death of me. It's this boy.


The coronation is over.But the battle has just begun.Nerissa Marin has won her crown. But can she keep it? Already, her ties to the human realm are driving a wedge between Nerissa and her people. When word arrives that her part-human prince consort, Lo, has been poisoned, she makes the difficult choice to leave Waterfell and return landside. As the royal courts debate her decision, even more disturbing rumors surface: a plot is rising against her, led by someone she least expects.On land, Nerissa learns another shocking truth–Lo does not remember who she is. As her choice to try to save him threatens her hold on her crown, changing loyalties and uncertainty test her courage in ways she could never have imagined. Nerissa will have one last chance to prove herself as a queen…and save the undersea kingdom she loves.