
What if there were seven people who could walk you through steps to have an effective ministry through your church? What if these seven people were all definitively instructed by God? What if the directions had been written down in a clear manual for you to follow?
Would you be willing to read those instructions?
Seeing from the Summit presents seven biblical character-models direct from the pages of Scripture to help you and your church leaders to understand a clear model for building effective ministry in God's Church. Beginning with David and moving through Noah, Joseph, Ruth, and others, you will come to understand a systematic, scriptural model to better understand the purpose of the church, the calling of leaders, and the need to seek God's direction.
Rather than presenting empty promises to build a church numerically, Seeing from the Summit deals in concrete, biblical, and spiritual concepts that grow individuals together in unity and launch them from the church in missional activity.


Giving Life to Vision walks leaders through a biblical model for moving plans off paper to living and active ministry. Using the scriptural examples of Joshua, Solomon, Timothy, Esther, and Peter, leaders will be challenged to simply, yet strategically consider what God is calling them to do. They will then have a practical and powerful way to step out and implement God's vision for the Church.
The goal is not bigger buildings or more programs. Our mission is to biblically equip disciples for Jesus Christ. Therefore, must walk forward intentionally as God has directed in order to fulfill this calling.