
With Idylls of the King, one of the giants of Victorian literature turned his considerable talents to the chivalric lore surrounding a larger-than-life British ruler, King Arthur. Alfred, Lord Tennyson, cast his interpretation of Arthurian myth into the form of an epic poem, and his tales of Camelot soar to remarkable imaginative heights to trace the birth of a king; the founding, fellowship, and decline of the Round Table; and the king's inevitable departure. Encompassing romance, heroism, duty, and conflict, Tennyson's poetry charts the rise and fall of a legendary society."The Coming of Arthur" chronicles the victorious battle with which the king also wins Guinevere's hand; «Gareth and Lynette,» «The Marriage of Geraint,» and «Geraint and Enid» likewise concern tests and triumphs of love, virtue, and valor. The tragic tale of two brothers, «Balin and Balan,» is followed by «Merlin and Vivien,» recounting the wizard's betrayal at the hands of a femme fatale. «Lancelot and Elaine,» a classic story of unrequited love, leads up to the grand climax, «The Holy Grail,» followed by «The Last Tournament» and «The Passing of Arthur.»Generations of readers — both poetry lovers and devotees of myth and legend — have exulted in these stories «About the founding of a Round Table / That was to be, for love of God and man / And noble deeds, the flower of all the world.»


Considered by Victorians as the finest contemporary poet, Alfred, Lord Tennyson (1809–1892) gained much critical favor for his mastery of poetic technique, high-mindedness, and superb natural description. This volume contains a representative selection of his best works, including the famous long narrative poem «Enoch Arden,» as well as a number of important lyrics, monologues, ballads, and other typical pieces. Among these are «The Lady of Shalott,» «The Beggar Maid,» «The Charge of the Light Brigade,» «Break, break, break,» «Flower in the Crannied Wall,» and «Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington.» Also here are carefully chosen, uncut excerpts from three longer works: The Princess, «Maud,» and «The Brook.» With this inexpensive volume at their fingertips, students and lovers of poetry can enjoy a substantial sampling of Tennyson's still-admired, widely quoted verse.