
e-arnow present to you this meticulously edited children's book collection of the beloved bedtime stories, warmhearted tales of nature and animals for the youngest: Bedtime Story-Books: The Adventures of Reddy Fox The Adventures of Johnny Chuck The Adventures of Peter Cottontail The Adventures of Unc' Billy Possum The Adventures of Mr. Mocker The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat The Adventures of Danny Meadow Mouse The Adventures of Grandfather Frog The Adventures of Chatterer, the Red Squirrel The Adventures of Sammy Jay The Adventures of Buster Bear The Adventures of Old Mr. Toad The Adventures of Prickly Porky The Adventures of Old Man Coyote The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver The Adventures of Poor Mrs. Quack The Adventures of Bobby Coon The Adventures of Jimmy Skunk The Adventures of Bob White The Mother West Wind Series: Old Mother West Wind Mother West Wind's Children Mother West Wind's Animal Friends Mother West Wind «Why» Stories Mother West Wind «How» Stories Mother West Wind «When» Stories Mother West Wind «Where» Stories The Green Meadow Series: Happy Jack Mrs. Peter Rabbit Bowser the Hound Old Granny Fox Other Children's Books: Lightfoot the Deer Blacky the Crow Whitefoot the Woodmouse The Burgess Bird Book for Children The Burgess Animal Book for Children Boy Scout Books: The Boy Scouts of Woodcraft Camp The Boy Scouts in a Trapper's Camp


"This book was written to supply a definite need. Its preparation was undertaken at the urgent request of booksellers and others who have felt the lack of a satisfactory medium of introduction to bird life for little children. As such, and in no sense whatever as a competitor with the many excellent books on this subject, but rather to supplement these, this volume has been written. Its primary purpose is to interest the little child in, and to make him acquainted with, those feathered friends he is most likely to see. Because there is no method of approach to the child mind equal to the story, this method of conveying information has been adopted. So far as I am aware the book is unique in this respect. In its preparation an earnest effort has been made to present as far as possible the important facts regarding the appearance, habits and characteristics of our feathered neighbors. It is intended to be at once a story book and an authoritative handbook. While it is intended for little children, it is hoped that children of larger growth may find in it much of both interest and helpfulness. Mr. Louis Agassiz Fuertes, artist and naturalist, has marvelously supplemented such value as may be in the text by his wonderful drawings in full color. They were made especially for this volume and are so accurate, so true to life, that study of them will enable any one to identify the species shown. I am greatly indebted to Mr. Fuertes for his cooperation in the endeavor to make this book of real assistance to the beginner in the study of our native birds. It is offered to the reader without apologies of any sort. It was written as a labor of love—love for little children and love for the birds. If as a result of it even a few children are led to a keener interest in and better understanding of our feathered friends, its purpose will have been accomplished."—From the Preface.