
Drawing from the fields of evolutionary neuroscience, psychology, and theology, Sandra Levy-Achtemeier considers what it might mean for humans, as embodied and spiritual selves, to flourish now, and how such flourishing can contribute to our final flourishing in the time to come. She shows how such holistic flourishing and growth-filled transformation can occur even–and perhaps especially–in times of darkness and struggle. In this engaging work, she makes complex ideas accessible to all who hunger for deeper spiritual growth over the course of their lives. This book is not only highly readable, but it is also a practical guide to the flourishing life, providing resources for embodied practices–from prayer to dance to storytelling–which can enhance our human flourishing now. In short, she lays out a complete picture of human flourishing, from our evolutionary roots to kingdom living in the life to come.


We are the author of our own lives. We create, re-create, and co-create our stories over the lifetime we have been given in order to make something of ourselves in the process. Blending new findings from brain science and psychology with spiritual and theological insights, Sandra Levy-Achtemeier has written a readable work translating complex scientific and spiritual categories into practical terms that can inform our everyday selves. From our evolutionary roots that equip us to sing meaning into our living, to the cultural menus we now draw from to script new meaning into our days, she has given us an incredible wealth of wisdom to inform the rest of our life journeys. Underneath it all, Levy-Achtemeier makes the case that God's Spirit and call are at the center of our story–from our brain synapses to the historical circumstances that impinge on our lives.