
Gundamentalism and Where It Is Taking America is the work of James Atwood, a retired Presbyterian pastor and an avid deer hunter for half a century who has also been in the forefront of the faith community's fight for two constitutional rights: the right to keep and bear arms and the right to live in domestic tranquility, free of gun violence. He explains why guns mystically control so many Americans and exposes the fallacies of the gun industry's spurious claim that firearms actually protect us. He argues there are no bona fide scientific studies that show defensive guns save us from harm, while there is voluminous research showing a defensive gun puts the owner and his or her family at greater risk. Atwood's book, which details his learning of a lifetime in the struggle for reasonable gun laws in America, puts dependable social and theological analysis of our unique national epidemic into your hands along with scientific data that will provoke honest reflection and discussion for the building of a safer and saner America. Questions for group discussion and suggestions for action are included.


James Atwood contends that the thirty thousand gun deaths America suffers every year cannot be understood apart from our national myth that God has appointed America as «the trustee of the civilization of the world» and even «Christ's light to the nations.» Because these purposes are noble, and we are supposedly a good and trustworthy people, violence is sometimes «required» and gives license to individuals to carry open or concealed weapons, which «save lives» and can even be «redemptive.»
Atwood, an avid hunter, cautions that an absolute trust in guns and violence morphs easily into idolatry. Having spent thirty-six years as a Presbyterian pastor fighting against the easy access to firearms, one of which took the life of a friend, he uses his unique experience and his biblical and theological understanding to graphically portray the impact guns have on our society. He documents how Americans have been deceived into believing that the tools of violence, whether they take the form of advanced military technology or a handgun in the bedside stand, will provide security. He closes with a wake-up call to the faith community, which he says is America's best hope to unmask the extremism of the Gun Empire.