
In the spirit of Cyril Barber's classic work from the 1970s, The Minister's Library, Robert Yost provides students and pastors with expert guidance on building a working ministerial library. From Old and New Testament languages, lexical aids, and grammatical tools, to commentaries and theologies as well as pastoral resources, Yost is a trustworthy guide through the multiplicity of books that seem to just keep rolling off the presses. Far more than just a guide to commentaries as are so many works today, this resource is a balanced pastoral tool for pastors and students who are overwhelmed by the proliferation of literature in the fields of biblical and pastoral studies.


The book of Proverbs is a cornucopia of practical wisdom on a variety of topics. The insights and truths covered in this book of ancient Hebrew Wisdom literature run the gamut including the nature of true wisdom and understanding, vices and virtues, relationships and roles, priorities, planning for the future, how to communicate, and how to manage one's resources.
In recent decades, the book of Proverbs has increasingly become the focus of attention for Christians who wish to live lives more in tune with God's principles. In particular, Christian thinkers have begun to correlate biblical principles with the study of effective leadership.
Yost examines the subject of godly leadership by using the book of Proverbs as his springboard. This is a scholarly, yet deeply devotional, study of the leader's priorities, the leader's plans, and the leader's speech. Once you have read this book, you will never look at the book of Proverbs or the subject of leadership the same way again.