
Fifty-Two Sundays: From the Pulpit of the Padre is a response to the many requests for copies of David Rowland's sermons and addresses. Selecting has not been an easy task. The intention is to highlight his philosophy, objectives and beliefs. His faith, conviction and commitment tie the component parts together. David Parsons Rowland was a compassionate, caring pastor. He was a man of conviction, deep faith and vision. He practised what he preached, believing that with God all things are possible. He was a man of action, full of enthusiasm and determination, and possessing that great sense of humour so frequently associated with the Irish. When he put his hand to the plough there was no turning back. Throughout his ministry he preached the Good News, in simple direct terms that afforded the listener a bearing in the struggle to answer questions of faith, daily living, family, relationships, and life as a whole.