
When Sir Jimmy Savile died in October 2011 he was celebrated as a prolific charity fundraiser who dedicated his time to worthy causes. But on 3rd October 2012, ITV broadcast an investigation into Savile's behaviour called Exposure: The Other Side of Jimmy Savile. In it they revealed the true, predatory and evil man behind the popular TV persona. In the documentary, several women alleged he sexually abused them when they were under age. This sparked a flurry of allegations in the following days and weeks from other alleged victims.So far Police have been called to investigate reports of abuse on young children from as long ago as 1959 and anticipate the number of victims to be in the region of 300.But how Savile was allowed to get away with such monstrous crimes for so long has been the subject of immense debate and has led to the investigations of several British Institutions. The BBC has been criticised and is hosting an internal investigation into how Savile's behaviour was never called into question and how abuse allegations during his long career at the corporation failed to be flagged up. An investigation is also underway into the cancelling of a Newsnight programme in 2011. The Department of Health has also said it will investigate its own conduct in appointing Savile to lead a «taskforce» overseeing the management of high security psychiatric hospital Broadmoor in 1998. Abuse is also alleged to have taken place at Stoke Mandeville Hospital and Leeds General Infirmary, where Savile volunteered.This is a well researched and informative look at how a predatory paedophile was allowed to go unnoticed for so long and to breach the nations trust is such a cruel and evil way. An extraordinary case that has shocked the nation, and left many questioning how it went unnoticed for so long. With several investigations underway this book will bring them all together into one comprehensible narrative.


For thousands of years, men and women have known who to turn to in times of trouble – a dog. All over the world dogs have risked, and often lost, their lives to look after the human beings they care for. Their intelligence, devotion and astonishing courage to help humans in distress on countless occasions almost defies belief. Their stories range from Roselle the Labrador, who led her blind owner to safety from the carnage of the World Trade Centre, to the legends of Balto and Togo, two of the huskies who traversed over 1,000 kilometres of snow and ice to bring life-saving medicine to an isolated town, and Swansea Jack, the black Labrador who rescued almost 30 people from drowning and who had a statue erected in his honour. Many of the dogs featured in this book have been specially trained to help humans, a task they eagerly set about regardless of the physical risk they face as a result. Then there are the family pets who, when danger threatens, react with total disregard for their own wellbeing, caring only about one thing; protecting the humans they love.