
Ron and Reg. Violent men who brought a code of honour to the streets that is still observed today. Their deaths bring to an end the golden era of gangsters whose word was law and whose ferocity maintained the order of the streets…Nobody knew the twins like Kate Kray. Married to Ron before his death, she was granted unique access into the shadowy world they inhabited, and was entrusted with some of the darkest secrets they possessed – secrets that could never be revealed until they were both dead. Now, with the help of thoughts and anecdotes from the people who knew the twins best, Kate has documented once and for all the life of the world's most famous gangsters, and filled in the gaps with the facts that could not be revealed until now. Gangsters, actors, East End faces – everyone who is anyone in the Firm is here, thanks to Kate's unique access and influence. And in this remarkable book, the Krays' chief torturer, the man who was with them on the night they were arrested, has broken his silence for the very first time.


Meet the hardest men in Britain – minders, villains, gangsters, bodyguards, SAS hitmen, murderers and terrorists. In this awesome follow up to the hugely successful Hard Bastards and Hard Bastards 2, Kate Kray, who was married to Ronnie Kray, gets the answers to questions nobody else would dare to ask. We learn the truth about what drives some of these characters to live on the edge of the law and to go as far as they do to get what they want. For some, it is merely a matter of gaining respect or boosting their reputations, for others it is a case of striving for survival. Each of these elite characters is different, and each has a unique tale to tell, yet all of them have one thing in common – they inhabit a world that few of us would dare to venture into.


Laugh – or else! They're tough, they're dangerous…and they're funny! The characters in this book are among the hardest men in the country. Yet behind the tough exterior there lies a genuine sense of humour. Here, for the first time, these men tell their favourite jokes…Did you hear about the two convicts in America who were about to be executed? The Warden says to the first one, «Do you have a last request?» The convict says, "Yes, I'd like to hear the song 'Achy Breaky Heart' one last time. The Warden says, «OK, I think we can arrange that.» Then he says to the second convict, «How about you?» The second convict says, «Yeah, kill me first.»


When Kate married gangster Ronnie Kray he introduced her to some of the most feared criminals Britain has ever known. She persuaded them to open their hearts to her and talk about their crimes, fears and dreams.Featured in this book are such killers as John Straffen, Britain's longest-serving lifer. He has shunned publicity and interviews throughout his years inside, but has agreed to speak only to Kate Kray. Harry Roberts, the cop killer whose conviction led to a blaze of publicity, opens his heart out to Kate as does Linda Calvey, dubbed the Black Widow. Kate has also spoken to the Black Widow's husband, the notorious Danny Reece.