
This sequel to Jennifer Friedman’s enchanting first memoir picks up where 'Queen of the Free State' leaves off: as the rebellious young teenager is packed off to boarding school in Cape Town. Told with humour and pathos, the theme of displacement – of the outsider – is explored further as we follow Jennifer’s journey into adulthood, becoming a wife and mother, living in Johannesburg and Israel, emigration, and leave-takings in Australia. Once again a strong sense of love, loyalty and place prevails, especially on her trips home to her beloved Free State. Expect stories about train journeys, windmills and floods, dead bodies on deck chairs, certifiably crazy home-help, babies, secrets and redemption, a Jewish British Bulldog and the Messiah’s favourite place.


The outsider on the inside. The one who watches and listens. The bearer of tales… Growing up Jewish in a small town in the Free State in the '50s and '60s, Jennifer Friedman moves between child and adult, black and white, as Verwoerd's grand apartheid is dividing South Africa. There are midnight escapes, stolen loot and banned comics. Frogs' legs, eisteddfods, icy drives with Grandpa, hideous encounters with bras, terrifying policemen, albino messengers and Pa's beatings. Told with humour and pathos, Friedman's memoir brings to life a strong sense of place, love, rebellion and betrayal.