
Les ressources considérables que l'Union européenne mobilise pour stimuler la reconstruction après la pandémie de coronavirus offrent une occasion unique de remédier aux effets des changements climatiques et de renforcer la compétitivité des entreprises et les compétences des individus dans un monde davantage axé sur le numérique. Le rapport 2021-2022 sur l'investissement examine comment les interventions publiques ont contribué à soutenir l'investissement et permis aux entreprises de surmonter la crise. L'analyse présentée dans le rapport s'appuie sur un ensemble unique de bases de données et de données provenant d'une enquête menée auprès de 12 500 entreprises au cours de l'été 2021.Les principales conclusions fournissent une synthèse concise et accessible des informations contenues dans le rapport principal.


Mit gewaltigen Summen unterstützt die Europäische Union den Neustart nach der Coronapandemie. Diese Chance müssen wir nutzen – für Investitionen in die Klimawende, in die Wirtschaft und in die Menschen, damit sie in der digitalen Welt bestehen können. Lesen Sie in unserem Investitionsbericht 2021–2022, wie öffentliche Programme Investitionen angeschoben und Firmen durch die Krise geholfen haben. Der Bericht stützt sich auf die Auswertung von Datenbanken und Ergebnissen einer Umfrage unter 12 500 Unternehmen, die im Sommer 2021 durchgeführt wurde.Der Ergebnisüberblick fasst die wesentlichen Aussagen des Hauptberichts zusammen.


Le enormi risorse che l'Unione europea sta mobilitando per lo sforzo di ricostruzione dopo la crisi del COVID-19 rappresentano un'opportunità unica per affrontare i cambiamenti climatici e migliorare la capacità delle imprese e degli individui di competere in un mondo più digitale. Il Rapporto sugli investimenti 2021/2022 esamina il modo in cui gli interventi governativi hanno contribuito a sostenere gli investimenti e hanno consentito alle imprese di superare la crisi. L'analisi del Rapporto si fonda su una combinazione unica di informazioni derivanti da diverse banche dati e dai risultati di un'indagine condotta nell'estate del 2021 su 12 500 imprese.La pubblicazione «Risultati principali» rappresenta una sintesi di facile consultazione del contenuto del Rapporto integrale.


«Семь дней ТВ-программа» – развлекательный иллюстрированный журнал для семейного чтения, содержащий аннотированную телепрограмму. Телепрограмма с 21 по 27 марта.


Геракл – один из самых знаменитых героев мифов Древней Греции, сильный и отважный сын Зевса. Только ему под силу было совершить двенадцать подвигов, которые вошли в историю и передаются из поколения в поколение вот уже много-много веков. В этой книге впервые публикуется прекрасный адаптированный для детей текст. Во всех греческих именах и названиях проставлены ударения для удобства чтения. Великолепные иллюстрации Сергея Бордюга позволят окунуться в атмосферу великой Древней Греции, её богов и героев. Мифы о Геракле входят в школьную программу. Для среднего школьного возраста. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.


DIGITAL FORENSICS AND INTERNET OF THINGS It pays to be ahead of the criminal, and this book helps organizations and people to create a path to achieve this goal. The book discusses applications and challenges professionals encounter in the burgeoning field of IoT forensics. IoT forensics attempts to align its workflow to that of any forensics practice—investigators identify, interpret, preserve, analyze and present any relevant data. As with any investigation, a timeline is constructed, and, with the aid of smart devices providing data, investigators might be able to capture much more specific data points than in a traditional crime. However, collecting this data can often be a challenge, as it frequently doesn’t live on the device itself, but rather in the provider’s cloud platform. If you can get the data off the device, you’ll have to employ one of a variety of methods given the diverse nature of IoT devices hardware, software, and firmware. So, while robust and insightful data is available, acquiring it is no small undertaking. Digital Forensics and Internet of Things encompasses: State-of-the-art research and standards concerning IoT forensics and traditional digital forensics Compares and contrasts IoT forensic techniques with those of traditional digital forensics standards Identifies the driving factors of the slow maturation of IoT forensic standards and possible solutions Applies recommended standards gathered from IoT forensic literature in hands-on experiments to test their effectiveness across multiple IoT devices Provides educated recommendations on developing and establishing IoT forensic standards, research, and areas that merit further study. Audience Researchers and scientists in forensic sciences, computer sciences, electronics engineering, embedded systems, information technology.


The new edition of this innovative textbook on clinical reasoning in veterinary medicine, provides a simple and logical approach for solving a wide range of clinical problems Clinical Reasoning in Veterinary Practice: Problem Solved! 2nd Edition continues to provide a revolutionary approach for rapidly and efficiently solving clinical problems encountered in veterinary medicine. Featuring new problem-based clinical reasoning examples, the second edition expands its problem-based approach to cover new problems of the eye, of exotic pets, and in equine practice. Another new chapter describes the principles of professional reasoning and decision making. The text content and format is fully revised based on universal design principles and will make clinical reasoning simpler to understand for readers with different learning styles. Provides a logical approach to common clinical problems in small animal practice such as vomiting, diarrhoea, weight loss, weakness, gait abnormalities, bleeding and more Includes examples of common problems in exotic and equine practice and how to assess them using a problem-solving approach Offers the logical rationale for selecting diagnostic tests Features contributions by internationally recognised clinicians and educators in clinical and professional reasoning Helps veterinary practitioners clearly communicate their decision-making to animal owners Contains flowcharts and key step markers that illustrate the decision-making process Clinical Reasoning in Veterinary Practice: Problem Solved! 2nd Edition is the perfect textbook for undergraduate veterinary students and an invaluable resource for new graduates and experienced veterinary practitioners alike.



GENOME EDITING IN DRUG DISCOVERY A practical guide for researchers and professionals applying genome editing techniques to drug discovery In Genome Editing in Drug Discovery, a team of distinguished biologists delivers a comprehensive exploration of genome editing in the drug discovery process, with coverage of the technology’s history, current issues and techniques, and future perspectives and research directions. The book discusses techniques for disease modeling, target identification with CRISPR, safety studies, therapeutic editing, and intellectual property issues. The safety and efficacy of drugs and new target discovery, as well as next-generation therapeutics are also presented. Offering practical suggestions for practitioners and academicians involved in drug discovery, Genome Editing in Drug Discovery is a fulsome treatment of a technology that has become part of nearly every early step in the drug discovery pipeline. Selected contributions also include: A thorough introduction to the applications of CRISPRi and CRISPRa in drug discovery Comprehensive explorations of genome-editing applications in stem cell engineering and regenerative medicine Practical discussions of the safety aspects of genome editing with respect to immunogenicity and the specificity of CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing In-depth examinations of critical socio-economic and bioethical challenges in the CRISPR-Cas9 patent landscape Perfect for academic researchers and professionals in the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, Genome Editing in Drug Discovery will also earn a place in the libraries of medicinal chemists, biochemists, and molecular biologists.


«Большая книга выпечки для юных шефов» – продолжение полюбившейся многим читателям «Большой кулинарной книги для юных шефов». Эта книга – полное руководство для юных поваров, она содержит более сотни рецептов самой разной выпечки – как сладкой, так и соленой. Юным читателям представится возможность самостоятельно приготовить чизкейки, капкейки, пироги, торты и многое другое – простые пошаговые инструкции, где каждый шаг снабжен фотографией, во многом упростят процесс готовки. Все рецепты, собранные в книге, опробовали и оценили дети со всего мира. Помимо рецептов, читатель встретит увлекательные и полезные советы об ингредиентах и оборудовании, а также многочисленные кулинарные секреты. Стать профессиональным шеф-поваром проще, чем кажется! Для среднего школьного возраста.