
In their latest assignment, Steve Church and Kella Hastings, members of a CIA out-of-the-box unit called the Red Cell, find themselves in the crosshairs of the Quds Force, Iran&#39;s elite commando group, as payback for a recent operation against the Tehran regime. In a series of thrusts and counter-thrusts, Steve and Kella battle General Ghassem Yosemani, the Quds Force commander, in operations and escapes that take them across Brussels, Paris, New York, and finally San Francisco, as Yosemani becomes ever more determined to kill Steve and Kella and wreak chaos and devastation on the U.S. economy.<br><br>The Red Cell is the last book in the trilogy including The Caliphate and Satan&#39;s Spy, all written by former master spy and master storyteller Andr&eacute; Le Gallo, and all painting a vivid, fictionalized picture of the intense but covert war that has been going on between Iran and the United States since the Tehran hostage crisis of 1979.


A radical Muslim group has dedicated itself to the restoration of the Caliphate, a global Islamic empire based on cruel medieval values and the conquests of the faith&#39;s glory years. These true believers will stop at nothing, including assassinations and terrorism, to achieve their goal. Standing in their way is Steve Church, just a U.S. businessman in Paris who never expected to be recruited by the CIA as an undercover operative. But now, with his life on the line, with the fate of nations at stake, and with the safety of his beautiful Kella in jeopardy, Steve must dive headlong into a desperate struggle to prevent mass destruction. The Caliphate is a whirlwind adventure, bristling with exotic locales, dangerous and desperate characters, and international intrigue, all crafted by a former master spy who has experienced similar dangers and challenges firsthand.