
The immune system is a complicated mechanism whose principle actors are organs, cells, chemicals and a vast collection of proteins tuned by billions of years of evolution to work in a harmonious manner for the good of the whole. Its purpose is to keep us alive in a world where visible and invisible predators intending to usurp our bodies attack us on a daily basis. <br><br>By virtue of an amazing communication network, millions of cells gather, exchange information, become activated and respond to bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses preventing them from causing infection. <br><br>A malfunctioning immune system, when immune cells attack &quot;self,&quot; results in numerous auto-immune diseases, the &quot;God only knows&quot; diseases of sixty years ago.


Complete risk factor analysis, a critically important part of a complete medical examination, is often a neglected aspect of an initial doctor-patient interaction. It may worsen with the impending healthcare changes to come&mdash;where doctors will face increasing patient loads. This book will introduce respective patients to a complete risk factor analysis for the major illnesses. Patients can share the results with their personal physician. They will appreciate this assistance.<br><br>The author recommends that all patients must be their own personal advocate and direct their health care.<br><br>The medical profession is depending upon you to help them keep you healthy!