
Author is a prolific and personable up-and-coming writer with a rapidly growing following and social media presence. Her successful Momsieblog.com receives up to 12,000 visitors a month and her articles have been featured on Huffington Post and Substance.com, while her essays have been published in Today’s Christian Woman, and most recently in a woman’s anthology, Aspiring to Inspire (Durham Editing, 2014). Author frequently speaks and leads workshops on writing and addiction, most recently on “Courage and Recovery,” “Good Wit and Good Writing,” and women in recovery. Unlike competitive titles that are often bleak and grim (Drunk Mom by Jowita Bydlowska), Bottled is written with humor and laugh-out-loud sarcasm that will provide much needed levity and a refreshing perspective on an issue that is too often treated with deadly seriousness. More than half of the book focuses on the recovery process and its attendant family dynamic, in contrast to many comparable memoirs that spend the majority of their pages detailing the excesses and grim experiences of active addiction. Book includes an Appendix with a questionnaire helping to determine the extent of one’s addiction development or potential, recovery resources, and information on twelve-step recovery.