
There are many differing theological perspectives in the church today. The church is often too quick to tell people they are wrong theologically–rather than pursuing a conversation that allows the body of Christ to wrestle with various theological assumptions. In God is Not Black and White, Robert Snitko seeks to disrupt the disunity within a diverse church. In a very theological yet practical way, this book roots itself in the Apostle's Creed as the foundation for Christianity, noting that Christians as a whole ought to agree on the gospel of Christ, the Trinity, and the incarnation as primary doctrines. When it comes to secondary doctrinal issues, church history proves that individuals have come to various theological conclusions. Perhaps one's theological interpretation comes from presuppositions such as upbringing, cultural context, life circumstances, or even experience. Whatever the case may be, we need to put an end to division in the church–as we seek unity within a theologically diverse church. This book urges Christians to have a theological conversation that pursues unity–as we seek to love one another in the gospel through restoration, healing, and reconciliation.


We live in a performance-driven world–a world that measures our status through results and accomplishments. The reality is that we shift this kind of thinking on God. We create a performance-driven God and fool ourselves into thinking that God's expectations must be achieved, or we are doomed. But the truth is that God is not a God who expects performance. Rather, He is a God of grace. He understands that we will fail, and that is why He redeems us in Christ.
In Lessons Learned from Jonah, Robert Snitko examines the grace that God offers to Jonah, regardless of his constant failure. The book of Jonah is filled with the exact imprint of who we are as fallen human beings, along with our sinful tendencies to run away from God in the moments when He calls us to obedience. Yet God, in His sovereignty, is seeking redemption and restoration with His people through the person and work of Jesus Christ. Join the journey of experiencing God's grace in this devotional through the narrative of Jonah.