
For years, Mormonism has taught that all the creeds of Christianity were an abomination and all other churches were corrupt (Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith 1:19). Joseph Smith was told not to join with any of them, but to help lead in what would be a restoration of the true church. In the same way, Christianity has never accepted Mormons among their ranks, considering them teachers of a different gospel (Galatians 1:6).
But a new ecumenical spirit of openness might suggest that the doctrinal distance between these two groups is shrinking. Are the two sides actually moving closer together? Is there significant change within the ranks of Mormonism? If so, is the change widespread? Does this new direction reflect the views of the leadership, or is it simply the belief of a few? Worse yet, is it a deceptive media ploy on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) to appear to be something it is not? This work is a fresh new look at the distinctives between Christianity and Mormonism in an attempt to answer the question: «Is Mormonism Now Christian?»


"Who is This? Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him!" (Mark 4:41)
Who is Jesus? What did he come to accomplish? And what difference does it make in the way I live my life? You will find the answers to these and other questions in this homiletical commentary by expository preacher and Bible college professor Steven Crane. The Gospel of Mark is the gospel about the good news of Jesus Christ. It is a fast-paced, action-packed book–as is this scholarly, yet highly readable commentary. Readers will gain a new appreciation for the content, the organization, and the often-overlooked writing techniques incorporated by Mark into his narrative, and will be invited to apply Scripture in their personal lives. As you read, you will investigate the true nature of Jesus Christ. While some today try to deny Christ's divinity, explain away his miracles, or discredit the authority of the Word of God–Crane handles these attacks and gives credence to the time-held truths regarding the Son of Man and the inspiration of Scripture. This volume, written in sermonic form, provides clear explanations regarding even the most difficult of Bible passages and includes study questions at the end of each chapter that are suitable for either personal or group use. Readers who have discounted the importance of Mark will be compelled to look at it with fresh eyes and will gain a new appreciation for our second Gospel. As you study, be ready to allow God to work in your life and Marvel with Mark at the person and purpose of Jesus.


Mormon Prophet and Tenth President, Joseph Fielding Smith, once said:
Mormonism, as it is called, must stand or fall on the story of Joseph Smith. He was either a prophet of God, divinely called, properly appointed and commissioned, or he was one of the biggest frauds this world has ever seen. There is no middle ground. If Joseph Smith was a deceiver, who willfully attempted to mislead the people, then he should be exposed; his claims should be refuted, and his doctrines shown to be false . . . The doctrines of false teachers will not stand the test when tried by the accepted standards of measurement, the Scriptures. –Doctrines of Salvation, 1:188.
Brigham Young, Prophet and Second President offered this challenge:
Well, now examine the character of the Savior, and examine the character of those who have written the Old and New Testament; and then compare them with the character of Joseph Smith, the founder of this work . . . and you will find that his character stands as fair as that of any man's mentioned in the Bible. We can find no person who presents a better character to the world . . . than Joseph Smith. –Journal of Discourses, Vol. 14, p. 203.
Combining their research in Mormonism to author this work, Charles A. Crane and his son, Steven A. Crane, would like to accept the challenge and show why many, even among the LDS faith, are Ashamed of Joseph.


People Want Answers to Their Questions!
Who made God? Has the Bible been corrupted? What is the unpardonable sin? How can a loving God send people to hell? Did Jesus really preach in hell?
As a Bible scholar, church planter, and senior minister of a rapidly growing congregation, Steve Crane receives many questions from believers and skeptics alike. His concise, biblical answers get right to the heart of the matter. Crane not only answers your questions, but will help equip you to «give the reason for the hope that you have» (I Peter 3:15).
Staying true to the original «Email» format, questions and answers have been organized into eight separate categories: Questions about God, Questions about Christ, Questions about the Bible, Questions about Salvation, Bible Questions, Bible Difficulties, Questions about End Times, and Objections to Christianity. This format allows readers to choose the issues that are most pertinent to their interests and needs.