
At the time of Christ, world politics was an ebb and flow of colliding empires and forces. The world knew only dynastic succession and rule by force. Israel was swept up in this world. Her expectations of deliverance, while diverse, had in common the anticipation of violent liberation by an alliance of God, the expected one (Theo), and Israel's forces. Her vision included the subjugation of the world to Yahweh. Any messianic claimant would be expected to fulfill this hope. Mark's story of Jesus must be read against such expectations of military power. Mark knows that Jesus' plan of salvation differed radically from this. Rather than liberation through revolution, it involved deliverance through humble, loving service and cross-bearing. However, the disciples follow Jesus but do not understand Jesus' purpose. They constantly expect war. So, the Gospel is then read from Mark's full understanding and the disciples' flawed perspective. In this first volume of Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Keown backgrounds Mark and the political situations of the world at the time. He then unpacks Mark 1:1–8:29 as Jesus seeks to show the disciples he is Messiah while drawing out the deep irony of their incomprehension.


At the time of Christ, world politics was an ebb and flow of colliding empires and forces. The world knew only dynastic succession and rule by force. Israel was swept up in this world. Her expectations of deliverance, while diverse, had in common the anticipation of violent liberation by an alliance of God, the expected one (Theo), and Israel's forces. Her vision included the subjugation of the world to Yahweh. Any messianic claimant would be expected to fulfill this hope. Mark's story of Jesus must be read against such expectations of military power. Mark knows that Jesus' plan of salvation differed radically from this. Rather than liberation through revolution, it involved deliverance through humble, loving service, and cross-bearing. However, the disciples follow Jesus but do not understand Jesus' purpose. They constantly expect war. So, the Gospel is then read from Mark's full understanding and the disciples' flawed perspective. In volume two of Jesus in a World of Colliding Empires, Keown continues to unpack Mark's Gospel (8:30-16:8), in which Jesus teaches the disciples what it means to be a Servant Messiah rather than a military conqueror. The then draws a range of conclusions and applications from Mark for life today.


Have you ever wondered, «Why am I here? What's gone wrong with the world? What is the answer? How will it all end? What do I have to do to know God?» What's God up to on Planet Earth? offers a no-strings-attached presentation of the Christian message written for those who are seeking answers to questions like these.
Mark Keown gives a compelling vision of a loving God whose desire is the restoration of the whole world. The book focuses on the individual person and how he or she fits into this inspiring vision. It is a must-read for those seeking to understand the Christian faith more.