
“Stick-to-it-iveness is a funny word,” Addie Johnson writes in the introduction of this small profound volume. “Some might say it’s not even a real word, but it speaks for itself.” In her winsome, quirky, inspirational style, Johnson shares ideas that inspire us to make light of the hard work of achieving our dreams. This is a book that attests to the power of a little bit at a time. There’s a simple key to accomplishing our wildest dreams—a secret, hidden in plain view–sticking to it.


From Harvard classrooms to your grandma's kitchen table—everybody is getting on the look on the brightside bandwagon. If you need to know, there's a ton of medical research to back it up, but people who appreciate where their bread is buttered and how sweet the jam on their toast is—well they're healthier, they live longer, they're usually more successful—although they may not define success as having the most marbles, and for sure other people want to spend more time around them. Addie Johnson calls Life Is Sweet her scrapbook, in which she’s gathered stories that struck her—things that made her happy in the seeing or experience and in the remembering. And bits she’s read. And quotes. People, stories, kids and animals, stuff/no stuff (aka all or nothing), achievements achieved and unpleasant tasks done, laughing (snickering, giggling, guffawing, wetting your pants) health or progress toward it-—all are fodder for happiness. Life is sweet and creamy—yes your life and yours and yours and yours–if you just look at what's in front of your face.


Nobody ever said being an adult was easy. But it's easier with The Little Book of Big Excuses, with hundreds of excuses for things you did, things you didn't do, things you did wrong, and things you never want to hear about again. First things first: «Fake Don't Flake.» In here are your excuses for being late for or not showing up to any number of places for any number of reasons–grandma's birthday party, work, home, weddings, dentists appointments. «Excusez-Moi, si'l vous plait» is where to look when you're caught wearing a halter top to a black tie event. Or forget your boss's spouse's name–again. Or don't want to pick up the tab. The French have a word for everything. If you need to learn how to say «I'd Love to, but»–the art of articulating just why you can't do most anything you don't want to do–in any language, this is the book for you. Demonstrate your incompetence. When someone asks you to bring those complicated hors d'oeuvres, show up half an hour late with half the ingredients. Bonus section here: how to get someone else to do all the work while you still get the credit. «Delivery Subsystem Failure–Mailboxes, Messages, Missives Gone Awry, Oh My!» Never, ever again will you want for an excuse for not writing, calling, IMing, or emailing. Fake communication breakdowns make fail-safe excuses for a myriad of don't wannas and didn't do its. «All's Fair in Love» contains excuses for not calling, not going on the second date, forgetting the birthday or anniversary of the one you love. Plus how to retreat with remorse, even from the altar steps. Hint: You could have your mother or your manager phone it in. That's what Julia Roberts did.* Hundreds of excuses for thousands of situations, plus «The Excuse Clinic: How to Make Lame Excuses Walk and Okay Excuses Sing.»* Life is serious business, people, so pay attention. Let Addie help you off the hook.


It's what we do with the life's bummers, how we look at setbacks, what we make of the lemons that counts. And in this lighthearted, spirited book, Addie Johnson invites us to make a myriad of different things from those metaphorical lemons.When you're stuck in a difficult time you can change your outlook and your circumstances, you can stay healthy and surround yourself with love, you can seek out and find the hidden treasure to all around you in everyday things, and, perhaps most important, you can figure out how to be grateful for anything and everything that comes your way. You never know, maybe all it will take is a little water, sugar and ice before you're feeling much better. 


A Thankful Heart is a Happy Heart Saying «thanks» has no downside. Write it, message it, shout it from the rooftops—it's good for the one who hears it and better for the one who says it. Discover the power of words and the wonder of kindness.  Express gratitude, receive abundance. Saying thanks can improve outlooks, open new vistas, and help us get along better with ourselves and others. Author Addie Johnson offers us gratitude thoughts to grab on the run or to sit with and ponder. She describes thank you messages and moments of soaring gratefulness and sets out to teach herself—and her readers—how to say thank you. A Little Book of Thank Yous is a small book with a great big heart.  We all have things to be grateful for. From Winston Churchill to Barack Obama, from Shakespeare to Virginia Woolf to Meister Eckhart, Johnson draws on people from all walks of life—all of them saying «Thank you.» In this book, discover: Words of gratitude from historic figures and everyday peopleMini-meditations on being gratefulThank you letter examples for almost any occasion Readers of inspirational books like  I Really Needed This Today ,  I’ve Been Thinking , or  The World According to Mister Rogers  will love  A Little Book of Thank Yous .