
Philosophical process includes three fundamental questions: What is real? – Metaphysics.What is true? – Epistemology. What is good? – Ethics.Following Aristotle, scientists were involving science to explain Theory. Theory allows us to do things happen in the same way. By prognosis based on empirical method, not by intuitive guess, we can project observed events into the future or create a model, which simplify reality. Due to Theory we can make predictions with a high level of probability.


Short reviews, which are integral part of the book, set in timeline order, starting from the earliest.I dedicated this book for those readers who has never been engaged in politics or IR, who has no expert view, but who would rather know opinions about the history of IR from scholars and experts. It is my contribution to help to understand IR and Global Politics as a whole.Thanks to KIMEP University for organization and support of MIR Program, without which the book could not exist.


The book is a Research Essay based on the review of writings of theorists and scholars supporting neoclassical approach in politics and economics.The book explains how old political and economic system had been changing globally under processes of democratization, starting from 1989.The book summarizes complicated and significant writings of neoclassical school theorists providing better understanding of global change in politics and economy of the last decade.


Photobook which includes stories about Turkey and Antalya. Each story is added by photographs to give the reader perception of beauty and marvelous spirit of the nature in these places. This book is for easy, pleasant reading, for those who have already been or wished to travel to Turkey, where near comfortable resorts, old relics and monuments of architecture along with magnificence of Medieval Age exist.#travel #Turkey #adventure