
In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham teaches you how to control recoil in small snubnose revolvers for better accuracy. Also covered are grips and sights for snubnose pistols.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham covers holsters and techniques for carrying a revolver for self-defense, plus ammo carriers.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham gives tips for carrying a revolver for self-defense and special considerations for snubnose revolvers.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham reveals how to improve the action and trigger on your revolver, plus aftermarket sights, finishes and grips.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham covers after range session cleaning procedures, how to remove lead from the bore and how to proper firearm storage.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham explains the best calibers and handgun ammo choices for the concealed carry revolver.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham shows why revolver fit is so important and how to find the perfect fitting pistol for CCW.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham explains the advantages of revolvers over semi-autos for concealed carry and why you should consider carrying one.


In this excerpt from the Gun Digest Book of the Revolver , Grant Cunningham compares revolvers with semi-autos, details the pros and cons of each and helps you choose the best revolver for CCW.
