
In this easy-to-read book, Ken Ham gives us a primer in Creation science evangelism using two very different sermons from the book of Acts that were designed to reach two different audiences — the churched and the unchurched. Jew and Gentile — to effectively reach the lost. Outlines the social and moral consequences that modern culture’s war on the Bible is having on society Provides helpful insight into understanding how to evangelize to young people Offers guidance on how to ensure churches are properly equipping their members to defend their faith


There are hosts of books and resources on the Flood and Noah’s ark in the creation movement. But there has been a glaring problem in this area for 50 years. There isn’t one basic laymen book on the Flood and ark to give answers to those questions asked all the time. Most books are too shallow, too specific, or too technical for the average Christian to read or get much from. Most people in pews could use a book like this to give them the basic answers they need about the Flood and the ark, then they will be prepared to go into further technical books or specific books from there. Answers the top questions Answers in Genesis receives about the Flood Addresses issues in a way that should be easy to read and yet still gives the reader some meat to chew on. The perfect “starter” book for those interested in learning more or for believers wanting share the truth with non-believers Most people in the pews could use a book like this to give them the basic answers they need about the Flood and Noah’s Ark. After reading it, they will be prepared to go into further technical or specific books from there.


If you were asked how you know the Bible is true, do you have an answer? Over 29 issues addressed, including: Who made God; where did God come from? Has Noah’s ark been found?  Hasn’t Bible text been changed over the years? Is Hell real? Did the ten plagues of Egypt really happen? We are an increasingly skeptical society — whether it comes to politics, science, or even faith. People see conflict everywhere, even about fundamental aspects of the Bible. When church leaders are at odds about biblical truth and scriptural authority, believers are left confused and uncertain, needing clear biblical truth. Addressing topics from popular culture like the Shroud of Turin, or “missing” books of the Bible, and even what makes God’s Word unique among holy books, How Do We Know the Bible is True? Vol. 2 is a “must have” resource for churches, libraries, and home study.


What do aliens, dinosaurs, and gay marriage have in common? They are all part of the culture war – a war between two worldviews. One view is based on a biblical understanding of history, the other on pure naturalism. Our educational institutions and the media are on the frontlines of evolutionizing our culture. From Biology 101 to World History, from The Learning Channel to Sponge Bob, subtle and not-so-subtle evolutionary messages bombard us. We wetness the battles and skirmishes of this war in our schools, our courts and our homes. All around us are casualties of the warfare – Christians taken captive by an evolutionary philosophy. The idea of the big ban g and millions of years has duped many Christians and its effects include a deficient gospel and subjective morality. How are we to respond when we hear of the latest «argument» for evolution? How can we prepare our children to face the evolutionary indoctrination of our public schools and universities? What are we to make of «Christian» organizations who teach the big bang and millions of years? How can we build a truly biblical worldview? In this powerful book, you will find ammunition for the war: answers to some of the most common arguments for evolution, analyses of Christian compromise positions and a call for return to the true biblical authority.


Today there are untold voices in print, on television, and online calling for our attention, and so many of these mock or belittle our faith. From coworkers to those calling themselves Christians, the tone has become one of reproach, disparaging the character of God and undermining the authority of the Bible. For those who have a heart for God, it can be intimidating and discouraging. How Do We Know the Bible is True? is based on the absolute authority of God’s Word, not man-centered explanations. Clearly presented, it will help bring clarity in a world filled with increasingly vague notions of truth. Over 20 relevant issues are discussed including: Is the Bible totally without error? Did the resurrection really happen? How do we know that the 66 books of the Bible are from God? Does the Bible contradict itself? How were people saved before Jesus came? What is the purpose and meaning of life? Did miracles really happen? Was Genesis derived from ancient myths? How should we interpret the Bible; should Genesis be literal? Do you have to believe in a young earth to be saved? Within these pages you will find responses to those honest questions of faith, helping to build a confidence in God’s Word and inspiring your daily walk in His grace and peace. These powerful biblical insights are soundly presented by more than a dozen respected defenders of the faith, including Ken Ham, John MacArthur, Terry Mortenson, Jason Lisle, Brian Edwards, Tommy Mitchell, Jobe Martin, Georgia Purdom, Bodie Hodge, and Roger Patterson.


    Revised & Expanded for this special 25th anniversary edition, Ken Ham once again takes the lead in pointing out the looming precipice too many church leaders are rushing towards: a denial of the full authority and accuracy of the Bible from its very first verse. In addition, Ken powerfully shows how the ideas of evolution and millions of years are driving young people away from the Christian faith, and provides solid, biblical solutions to turn things around.  Published in 1987, this book took a bold stand which became prophetic. Ken warned the church about the destructive effects of compromise with evolutionary/millions of years ideas. He warned that compromise in Genesis would undermine Scriptural authority in the culture and erode confidence in the infallibility of God’s Word. Today, Christians (and those considering the Christian faith) increasingly doubt the Bible’s reliability. Compromising Genesis has led to a generational loss of an acceptance of the absolute authority of the Word of God, and leading to an exodus of young people from the church Why Genesis remains critically important in presenting the Gospel This slippery slope of reinterpreting Scripture to redefining biblical doctrine Discover how your handling of the biblical account of creation impacts your understanding of all of Scripture and your worldview The issues are of critical importance when you realize that today we have Christians not only confused when it comes to Genesis and the age of the earth, but now even the reality of Hell, Adam as a real person, and Christ’s own words about creation, marriage and more are debated in the pulpits across the world. One compromise just leads  to another – and it has to end if we want to leave a legacy of faith to future generations.    


"As you take God's Word and apply its eternal principles to the everyday issues you face with your family, you will begin to create a godly heritage – a legacy that will impact that generations to come in ways you never dreamed possible." -Ken Ham Christian families are struggling in a culture hostile to Christian values, and increasingly find themselves searching for answers and strategies to be more effective. Parents also face a disturbing trend of young people leaving home and leaving the church – and want to insure their children have a strong foundation of biblical faith and understanding. Discover how to create an incredible faith legacy in your family! Raising Godly Children in an Ungodly World presents empowering insight for: Surviving the culture wars as a family Educating children – the Bible offers guidance Practical tips for raising spiritually-healthy children Solutions to the root cause of dysfunctional families Discovering biblical authority as a parent Discipline – necessary and lovingly administered Ken Ham is joined by his brother, Steve Ham, in presenting this powerful look at how the principles and truth of Genesis are vital to the strong and lasting foundation of a family. Sharing their own stories of growing up in a «Genesis» family and sharing this legacy within their own families, it is an intensely personal and practical guide for parents.


These concise, relevant topics answer questions on the minds of Christians and seekers everywhere. Ham has discovered that multitudes of people want to know the answers to key questions like, “Where did Cain get his wife?" and “How could Noah fit all of those animals on the ark?” The Bible does have answers to tough questions such as these, so there’s no reason Christians can’t defend their faith against attack. On each page of the book, Ham takes a popular question and gives an answer that is both plausible and faith-strengthening. With a reputation as one of the world’s foremost authorities on the debate between creation and evolution, Ham provides many new insights in his latest work. SAMPLE QUESTIONS: Couldn’t there have been a race of people before Adam and Eve? If Adam lived 6,000 years ago, why do some say the earth is billions of years old? What if God used evolution to create? What is the Gap Theory?


A lot of time and money is spent by Christians who have a passion to spread the gospel. Across the globe, this effort is paying off as seekers find Christ, the source of truth and peace. In many cultures, though, appeals made on behalf of the Christian faith are met with blank stares, indifference, even mocking hostility. Ken Ham, one of Christendom's most astute observers of evangelism, is convinced that compromise with evolutionary world views has virtually crippled preaching and teaching efforts, especially in Western societies. In this truly bold book, Ham presents an ambitious plan to fulfill the Great Commission. A compelling writer and speaker, Ham deftly exposes the great flaws of Darwinism, and shows how compromise with this philosophy of death is killing the Church. By the jungle of tangled views of reality, and helps committed Christians see the path to effective evangelism.


It is a rarely discussed fact of history that the premise of Darwinian evolution has been deeply rooted in the worst racist ideology since its inception. Read a thorough account of the effects of evolution on the history of the United States and discrimination based on ethnicity, including slavery and the Civil rights movement. One Race One Blood goes one step farther to show the global harvest of death and tragedy that still finds its roots in Darwin's destructive writings. The tragic legacy of Darwin’s controversial speculations on evolution has led to terrible consequences taken to the deadliest extremes. One Race One Blood reveals the origins of these horrors, as well as the proof revealed in Scripture that God created only one race. You will discover: Nazi Germany used evolutionary concepts to justify the extermination of «unfit» people groups such as Jews, Gypsies, and Slavs The origins of people groups, the genetics of skin color, and what the Bible says about «interracial» marriage Eye-opening discussion on racism and its roots in the hearts and minds of millions still today. Within these compelling pages, Dr. A. Charles Ware, president of Crossroads Bible College, and Ken Ham, president of Answers in Genesis examine the historical roots of racism that have permeated evolutionary thought, and the Bible's response to this disturbing issue. This is a crucial and timely study that profoundly addresses the Christian worldview regarding «race» from a compassionate and uniquely compelling perspective.