
„Wir verlieren die Seele, wenn wir unsere Träume nicht erfüllen“, sagt der renommierte schamanische Traumtherapeut Robert Moss. Dieser „Seelenverlust“ kann unterschiedlichste Gründe haben: ein Job, der unserer Berufung nicht entspricht, die Trennung von einem Partner, ein Verkehrsunfall, Missbrauch oder andere Verletzungen, die, obwohl verdrängt und vergessen, uns so lange Lebensenergie abziehen, bis wir uns wirklich mit ihnen ausgesöhnt haben. Wie diese verletzten Anteile durch schamanische „Traumarbeit“ geheilt werden können, zeigt dieses Buch: Mit geführten Traumreisen, Heilritualen und Beispielen aus der Praxis demonstriert Robert Moss, wie wir unsere Lebensträume und unser inneres Kind heilen können, um endlich das Leben zu leben, das wir uns aus tiefstem Herzen schon immer gewünscht haben!



Synchronicity is when the universe gets personal. Through this book of games and enchanting stories, you’ll learn how to monitor the play of coincidence and the symbolic resonance of incidents in daily life in order to tap into the deeper logic of events, receive extraordinary counsel, and have wonderful fun.
You will be invited to become a kairomancer: someone who is poised to catch the messages in special moments when synchronicity is in play – and to take action to seize the opportunities those moments present. To be a kairomancer, you need to trust your feelings as you walk the roads of this world, to develop your personal science of shivers, and to recognize in your gut and your skin that you know far more than you hold on the surface of consciousness.
This is a way of real magic, which is the art of bringing gifts from a deeper world into this one. Follow it, and you will put a champagne fizz of enchantment into your everyday life.


As the success of the recent film Inception shows, dreams are a source of perennial fascination. Robert Moss has advanced our understanding of the phenomenon with his visionary and down-to-earth synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and venerable shamanic methods. His “active dreaming” involves re-entering dreams, exploring their possibilities, and directing the subconscious to illuminate and solve problems. He blazes a new trail, guiding readers to use the powers that govern their night dreams to pursue their ideal waking “dream lives.” Based on Moss's decades of teaching, the techniques he shares in these pages are proven, powerful, and even playful. Readers learn to understand and utilize synchronicity, shared dreaming, children's dreams, and healing dreams. The examples Moss shares encourage readers to face fears and tap into dormant power. The result is the freedom to choose – and then revel in – the life of their dreams.