
Questo spartito contiene le note originali della canzone per bambini «Ninna Nanna». Arrangiamento per piano, voce e chitarra, in Do maggiore, livello facile con testo.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Folk Song «O Holy Night» for Piano. Medium difficulty in C major.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Folk Song «The Holly And The Ivy» for Piano. Medium difficulty in D major.


Esta partitura contiene las notas originales de la canción folk «Cumpleaños Feliz». Arreglo para piano, voz y guitarra, en Sol mayor, nivel fácil. // This music book contains the original sheet music of the Folk Song «Cumpleaños Feliz» for Piano, Vocals and Guitar. Easy arranged in G major with lyrics.


Questo spartito contiene le note originali della canzone folk «Tanti Auguri A Te». Arrangiamento per piano, voce e chitarra, in Sol maggiore, livello facile con testo. // This music book contains the original sheet music of the Folk Song «Tanti Auguri A Te» for Piano, Vocals and Guitar. Easy arranged in G major with lyrics.


Ta książka muzyczna zawiera jazzową aranżację fortepianową tradycyjnej piosenki «Sto Lat» na fortepian. Średnia trudność D-dur. // This music book contains an jazz piano arrangement of the traditional song «Sto Lat» for Piano. Medium difficulty in D major.


Ta książka muzyczna zawiera oryginalną nutę Pieśni ludowej «Sto Lat» na fortepian, wokal i gitarę. Średnia trudność w D-dur. // This music book contains the original sheet music of the Folk Song «Sto Lat» for Piano, Vocals and Guitar. Medium difficulty in D major.


This piece contains the original sheet music and lyrics of title Bella Ciao for piano, guitar and vocals.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» for Piano. Easy arranged in C major. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» für Klavier. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in C-Dur.


This music book contains the original sheet music of the Children's Song «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» for Piano, Vocals and Guitar. Easy arranged in C major with lyrics. // Dieses Notenheft enthält die Originalnoten zum Kinderlied «Baby's Boat The Silver Moon Sailing In The Sky» für Klavier, Gesang und Gitarre. Leichter Schwierigkeitsgrad in C-Dur mit Liedtext.