
Cade Chalmers knew he was playing with fire by attempting to live under the same roof as Colleen. But he was desperate: Cade needed to share custody of his orphaned niece and nephew with her. The trouble was, each time he was alone with Colleen for even a minute, they clashed…It wasn't just antagonism–it was explosive attraction. Cade decided he simply had to bite the bullet–the best thing for the children would be for him and Colleen to marry. It was a purely common-sense proposal, but the result was fireworks!


Tracey couldn't believe she'd written off Ty Cameron's car, nor that he was insisting she pay for it–by working for him! And that meant living with Ty, who seemed determined to get to know her…But Tracey had learned to be wary of men–especially handsome, sexy ones. Only, Ty was different. He didn't just want to get Tracey into bed, he was strong, funny and he was becoming a rock to lean on. In fact, Ty was showing definite signs of husband potential!


A husband in name only? Hallie had never even been in love–now she must marry to save her home! She just needed a wedding certificate–well, first she had to find a bridegroom…Wes Lansing was her neighbor and the ideal candidate. Only, what could a shy virgin like Hallie offer this dynamic man? Wes was intrigued and the marriage deal was struck. But could Hallie handle her new husband?


Fay Sheridan is facing the bleakest moment of her life.As a fierce storm surges around her, one man plucks her from despair and into safety: Chase Rafferty. Rugged rancher Chase knows there is a fun-loving young woman hiding inside Fay, and he'll do anything to see her start living again– even propose!Fay thinks Chase is joking– a convenient business marriage would never work. But as the idea sinks in, the sparks slowly begin to ignite inside her. Maybe now is the time to embrace life and say yes!


Blue Summer was a self-made man who had everything money could buy–except a wife and children. He craved the respectability his tough upbringing had denied him. Allison Lancaster was his passport to a socially acceptable world of power and privilege. A banker's daughter, she'd be the perfect wife!Allison declared she would only marry for love, but her family had other ideas. They wanted Blue's money as much as he coveted their social standing. The wedding was arranged, and it was only when Blue kissed his bride that Allison realized he made her head spin with a dizzy attraction.


The last time Lainey saw Gabe Patton was five years ago–as they were exchanging their marriage vows! It had been a dream wedding…until Lainey discovered that Gabe had only married her for convenience. She was left with no choice but to run away.Now Lainey has uncovered a secret, and she's shocked to realize that she might have misjudged her husband. She still loves Gabe, and hopes they might pick up where they left off–on their wedding night! But how will Gabe react when his prodigal wife returns?



