
From Hollywood heartbreak… …to happy-ever-after?Heartbroken Ally Cook runs away to her grandmother’s beachside cottage. She doesn’t expect houseguest Sam Walker and his toddler and a puppy to be there too! Spending time with this single dad, Ally finds herself tempted to put her heart on the line for a family with this captivating tycoon?


When Major Cole Standen retired from the Canadian Armed Forces, he figured he'd quit the rescuing business for good.Then five irresistible tykes turned up on his doorstep in the middle of the night, desperate for his help But he hadn't counted on sharing child-care duties with their auntie, Brooke Callan–a wide-eyed beauty who seemed as if she could use a little rescuing herself.Knee-deep in diapers and baby bottles, Cole soon realized there was far more to Brooke than just her vulnerable eyes and kissable lips. Perhaps it was being around a ready-made family, but this soldier was suddenly picturing himself with a brood of his own…and beautiful Brooke as his not-so-temporary second-in-command!


WHAT A MAN'S GOTTA DO…J. D. Turner couldn't let Tally select a mate without understanding how things should be between a man and a woman. Especially since the innocent beauty was going to be raising his little boy! So he took it upon himself to show her just how life and real love could be.Tally Smith had a plan to find the right man to marry and create the perfect family for little Jed. That is, until J.D. kidnapped her on the premise that he was going to show her what she and Jed really needed. Well, she had a little news for him–what this woman and child needed was him!


HE WAS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT MALE…Harriet Pendleton already knew why ninety percent of the women chose him: Tyler Jordan was perfection. But it wasn't T/s broad shoulders, or heavenly brown eyes. No, Harriet had seen the soul of the man who had raised a sibling…and whose smile had made an ungraceful duckling feel swanlike long ago….AND HE MADE HER FEEL EVERY INCH A WOMANNow she was again on his ranch with the reluctant contest winner, only this time as «Harrie Snow,» world photojournalist with a hot new image. No surprise, Ty didn't recognize her. But shockingly, Mr. I-Can-Have-Any-Woman seemed to want her. But her mission had been to reclaim her heart relinquished years ago. Only, those odds weren't looking so good…


Brittany Patterson came to Miracle Harbor eager to start her new life as a brand-new business owner. So what if she dreamed of inheriting a boutique and instead got a bakery? And so what if she had to marry to keep it? She was determined to have it all. Starting with the stuffy-but-irresistible lawyer she'd set her eyes on….From the moment he saw beautiful Brit Patterson, Mitch decided she was the last woman he'd ever marry! She was too spontaneous, too irrepressible-too easy to love. And Mitch vowed not to give his heart again. Not even to the woman who'd captured his soul….


Due to a mysterious bequest, Abby Blakely had just inherited her dream house–complete with a cranky ex-cop her little girl decided would make a perfect daddy! Ruggedly handsome, Shane McCall was husband-material. Except he had a little problem with the M word….Marriage. The very word left a bitter taste in Shane's mouth. For it conjured up memories of a life he once dreamed of–a dream that had been destroyed, leaving a scar where his heart once was. Now the brooding bachelor had Abby and her adorable toddler rustling up feelings he'd long buried. Feelings he was hard-pressed to deny….


Dubbed the «brainy» one, Jessica King felt safest in an ivory tower. So working in a garage for brooding mechanic Garner Blake was well outside her comfort zone. But she would make the best of it because her father had requested it.Yet a daughter's «duty» was not what Jessica felt when Garner challenged her opinions and looked at her that way. Both of which he did much too often! No, she felt alive. And petrified. Because she was beginning to realize she'd never known herself–or what she really wanted….


Of all the favors her beloved father could ask, helping Clint McPherson was the only one Brandy King wanted to refuse. Of course, her dad didn't know his right-hand man had once rebuffed her kiss. Well, that was then. This was…No different.Somehow Clint's allure had improved! And he'd added a secret weapon to his arsenal of charm: a toddling baby girl in need of mothering. Well, Brandy was nothing if not brave. She'd make diaper changing her first conquest. Then she'd show this stoic single father that she was woman enough to handle what had always been between them.


Wanted: A second pair of hands!Daniel Riverton is handsome…and a confirmed bachelor. The only thing he finds more frightening than commitment? Children!When his neighbor Trixie Marsh appeals for his help with her mischievous twin nieces, his instinct is to steer clear. But there's something about Trixie that makes her hard to say no to….Against all expectations, Daniel's a natural with the twins, and Trixie can't take her eyes off her rescuer. Could Daniel be just what this house of chaos needs?
