
Dr. Lukas Bower believes in God, the Hippocratic Oath and doing the right thing.Lukas won't prescribe drugs to an addict just because he's the son of a hospital board member. Or let an obese man die because he doesn't have insurance. Lukas didn't play hospital politics at his former job, and he won't in this small-town Missouri emergency department. One very attractive colleague seems to appreciate Lukas's commitment to honor and truth. But Dr. Mercy Richmond's feelings will be tested when her child is brought into Lukas's E.R., putting her sacred trust, her heart–and her daughter's life–in his hands.


To provide a better life for her young daughter, Clarissa Graham joins a wagon train headed west. But as the trail turns increasingly dangerous, Clarissa fears her decision could cost them their lives.Help comes in the unlikely form of a jaded ex-soldier–Dawson Clements–who knows nothing of grace, forgiveness or even love. Now Clarissa is about to face an even greater challenge. Can she convince Dawson to remain by her side for a journey that will last a lifetime?


Heather Lowell asked herself this question after moving to Prichett, Wisconsin, to temporarily manage the Cut and Curl Beauty Salon. She's hopeful that this summer she will finally find the love of her life.She even has a list detailing everything she wants in her Prince Charming. But when two men enter her life, Heather suddenly needs to figure out what she really wants–and whether handyman Ian Dexter or rebel–artist Jared Ward figures into her happily ever after.


I marry a gorgeous executive, have a baby, lose all the weight (most of it)–and move to a fine house in the suburbs with a welcoming new church. Wait–did I say welcoming? One teeny waaah! and new mothers and their crying babies are exiled to a separate room.At least there's some enlightening conversation. Like about my husband and issues I didn't even know about! And then there's my aptly named mother-in-law, Queen Elizabeth, who can't stand me. I'm about to lose my mind! So it's high time for a visit to the Sassy Sistahood for some much-needed advice about men, marriage and motherhood!


It is a truth universally acknowledged that a lady of rank and distinction is no match for an impoverished preacher. Yet Damian Hathaway is entranced from the moment he spies Miss Lindsay Phillips entering his church.She doesn't appear any different from the other pampered society ladies–and she's betrothed to a gentleman of the ton. But Damian is determined to find the pure heart he's sure exists underneath all the ruffles and lace. The unlikely friendship formed by Damian and Lindsay is a revelation to them both, but is frowned on by her parents–and Damian's parishioners. Torn between two worlds, the pair must trust that their love can bridge the divide–and conquer all.


I, Molly MacKenna, am a pregnant woman's dream–and one man's nightmare!From the moment we met, obstetrician Clay Reynolds scorned my profession as a birthing coach. His scathing remarks left me crying on the shoulder of my potbellied pig, Gertie! It seems only the handsome doc's eight-year-old son, who thinks I hung the moon, can make Clay be civil to me.Clay is a great doctor and loving father. And we're finding a lot in common as we volunteer together at a free clinic. But he's still frowning at me in the delivery room.So how can I convince him God gave me skills that complement his own? Maybe with a little help from above I can change Clay's attitude toward doulas in general… and me in particular.


Just moments from the hangman's noose, Jonah Quinn escapes from infamous Newgate Prison. Taking prison volunteer Florence Hathaway hostage is a masterstroke, but Jonah intends to end their acquaintance once he's free. God, however, has other plans.The caring spinster's mission is to turn Jonah's life around. The burly fugitive scoffs at the notion he can be groomed into respectability, much less win a royal pardon. He knows that donning a waistcoat and cravats does not change a man. But a woman's stubborn faith? That can accomplish miracles. Florence sees right into the depths of his roguish heart, and Jonah finds himself wanting to become that man she sees….


Ellie Waters usually juggled career, family and church commitments with ease. But when her mother fell ill, coping suddenly seemed overwhelmingly difficult. For help she looked to the past–and within her deepest self.Charlene Butler, wife, grandmother and businesswoman, was enjoying a bright, new chapter of her life. But her aunt Dorothy's medical crisis suddenly made Charlene wonder how solid the foundation of her world really was.On their journeys of discovery, these two very different women met, shared the burden of being caretakers, and in doing so they became best friends. Together they laughed, prayed and found new strength and new depths to their faith.


Something was terribly wrong with the shy, scared little girl. Every day, she came to Haven, Sam Hawke's inner-city youth center. But the former marine couldn't get Flora to open up. So he turned to newspaper reporter Ana Burns, hoping that her skill at asking nosy questions about him and his mission could be put to better use.Flora quickly captured Ana's heart. As did Sam and his dream of providing a haven for children with nowhere else to go. Ana's questions were soon answered–and worst fears confirmed–about little Flora. And protecting her and the center from a powerful predator would take all their love and faith combined.


After years of friendship, the women of the SAHM I Am e-mail loop are finally meeting in person. But with two new moms trying to blend in with Dulcie and the gang, there's bound to be trouble!Earth-mother Iona and young mom Hannah are thrilled to join the weekend getaway sans hubbies and kids. But sparks fly when Hannah's know-it-all attitude clashes with the Queen of Ego, Rosalyn. When things go from bad to worse, one mom must step in to save the weekend from total disaster!