
West of west and east of east on the Island of Serendipity lies theForever Forest. In the forest lives the grouchiest Panda you couldever meet, a Panda called Ming-Ling. Grouchy he is because he hatesto share anything and everything. With the help of a parrot, Ming-Ling soon learns that sharing can be an easy and fun thing to do.


There is a place called Kurium where Kith and Kin both different and alike live in harmony. They lived this way until one day Trafalgar True, a dragon blue, brought a gift to them that they would need to share. Soon the forest was filled with squabbling as Kith and Kin fought over who should keep the gift. Children of all ages learn that if you care, you can share in the land of Kurium. Ages 5-9


The Furry Eyefulls loved to see all there is to see on the Island of Serendipity. Unfortunately they would never go to sleep for fear that they would miss something. Without sleep they become grouchier and grouchier. With the guidance of a delightful blind snake called Kartusch, they learned about the magic of sleep and dreams. Ages 5-9


Zippity is a Zoom who zips through life racing from one adventure to another. Unfortunately is so busy racing here there and everywhere that he sees little and remembers even less of the races he has won. With the help of the slowest of creatures in all the land of Whiz, Zippity learns that fast is not always best. Ages 5-9


Sassafras is a little elephant who misguidedly thinks that being alittle sassy is a good thing. As we all know, a little sass leads to a lotas Sassafras soon becomes disrespectful to both parents and teachersalike. In delightful twists and turns, the story teaches the value ofsimple respect. Ages 5-9.


The Island of Serendipity is filled with magical wonders, but even here there are simple dangers and one of those is to be cautious of strangers. A little squirrel called Squeakers learns that there are times when you must say no and quickly run away. Ages 5-9


Patti is a little caterpillar who wants to know what it will feel like when she becomes a butterfly. She asks her older sister. She asks a fluttering butterfly. But it’s all to no avail. No one can truly explain the mystery that awaits. Dream Tree is a story for all ages that addresses those things in life that are so hard to explain.


Bangalee lives in Kritter Castle where few things, if any, are ever putaway. A bit of clothing here, a few toys there, everywhere there isclutter and junk. All would have stayed the same had it not been forthe appearance of the mysterious and very hungry Grunk, who lovesto eat clutter and junk. Children of all ages and some adults, too,learn to tidy up. Ages 5-9.


A delightful tale of a young ostrich who exaggerates her adventures to a point of total disbelief. Lessons are learned when a wild adventure comes true and no one believes her. Ages 5-9.


A fire-breathing dragon loves munching muffins more than anything in the world, hence his name, the Muffin Dragon. A delightful story about simple economics as it relates to this dragon and kindly but poor folks who live in a run-down castle in the woods. Ages 5-9.