
When orphaned Pollyanna Whittier comes to live with her stern maiden aunt, the entire town of Beldingsville is affected by the bubbly nature of this lively eleven-year-old. Not only is she perpetually cheerful, she also brightens the lives of everyone she meets.How does Pollyanna manage to be so eternally optimistic? How does she spread her bright outlook among the sick, sad, and abrasive people of the town and transform the life of her lonely aunt? It's the «glad game,» she says, describing the antidote to hardship and depressed spirits. But in a serious accident, the town almost loses its «Glad Girl,» and everyone looks for a way to make this youngster happy again.Translated into several languages since its original publication in 1913, Pollyanna has been made into a Broadway play, as well as a popular motion picture. One of the best-loved children's stories of all time, this classic—along with its spirited heroine—will inspire readers for years to come.


This exciting collection contains more than thirty richly imaginative stories from a variety of Native American sources — Cherokee to Zuñi, Pawnee to Midu — covering a broad spectrum of subjects, as well as tales of little people, giants, and monsters, and of magic, enchantment, sorcery, and the spirit world.Readers will find stories telling how the earth, people, and bison were created and how fire was discovered, while others introduce the hero Glooscap and the Maiden of the Yellow Rocks. Still other traditional tales tell of the troubles Rabbit's boastfulness got him into, and about the clever ways Little Blue Fox managed to escape from Coyote.Among the stories in this collection are «The White Stone Canoe» (Chippewa), «Raven Pretends to Build a Canoe» (Tsimshian), «The Theft from the Sun» (Blackfoot), «The Loon's Necklace» (Iroquois), «The Rabbit Goes Duck Hunting» (Cherokee), «The Coyote» (Pueblo), and «The Origin of the Buffalo and of Corn» (Cheyenne). Young people will delight in these tales, as will any reader interested in Native American stories or folklore in general.


Jo March, the tomboy heroine of Little Women, has grown up! She returns in this beloved sequel as a young woman with a family of her own. Jo and her husband, Professor Bhaer, open their hearts (and their home) to educate and care for a handful of rowdy yet well-meaning youngsters.Plumfield, the school where the boys learn «how to help themselves and be useful men,» has a spirited student body that includes — in addition to the Bhaers' two sons — Nat, an orphaned street musician, cold and frightened when he first appears at the Bhaers' door; business-minded Tommy; Dan, a «wild boy» eventually tamed by love and kindness; and other endearing little mischief-makers.Outside the classroom, the boys rush headlong from one prank to another — from playing matador with the family cow to nearly setting the school afire with a smoldering cigar stub. But in the end, they prove to have a positive effect on the lives of the entire Bhaer family. With tales ranging from tearful to cheerful, this heartwarming unabridged classic promises young readers an exciting and fun-filled visit to nineteenth-century America.


For generations, the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen have delighted readers with their originality, whimsy, and humorous treatment of such human foibles as vanity, snobbery, and greed. This collection of thirteen of the author's most popular stories is no exception.In «The Little Mermaid,» the youngest of six mermaid princesses falls in love with a human and longs to live an ordinary life. «Great Claus and Little Claus» tells of a clever young man who turns a series of misfortunes into a windfall. Andersen's masterpiece about self-discovery, «The Ugly Duckling,» is accompanied by the magical «Red Shoes,» «Thumbelina,» «The Emperor's New Clothes,» «The Princess and the Pea,» «The Little Match Girl,» «The Snow Queen,» and four others.Among the most frequently translated works in literary history, these children's classics invite readers of all ages to enjoy and rediscover the pleasures of time-honored tales.


Set in the year 1751, this classic adventure story centers around David Balfour, a young Scotsman orphaned by the death of his father. Through the treachery of his uncle, the young hero finds himself shanghaied and headed for bondage in the New World. Just when things look their worst, a swashbuckling Highlander, Alan Breck Stewart, comes to the rescue.David eludes his shipboard captors and joins Stewart on a wild flight through the Highlands, pursued by both the King's forces and a notorious clan of Highland Jacobites. Flavorful, suspenseful, and peopled by realistic characters, this stirring novel was considered by the author to be his finest work of fiction. It is reprinted here, complete and unabridged, in a high-quality, inexpensive edition sure to delight a new generation of readers.


A ruler said to be the model of goodness over evil and a formidable comrade in the ever-present struggle between right and wrong, the figure of King Arthur of England prevails at the heart of the Arthurian legends. The myths surrounding his reign have been recounted in endless tales. This collection includes thirteen of the best-loved legends of the man and his Knights of the Round Table.Bewitching stories, related by one of the world's great storytellers, tell of how the young Arthur pulled a sword from a stone to become king; his meeting with the Lady of the Lake and acquisition of the mighty sword Excalibur; gatherings at the Round table; the death of Merlin; how the mysterious sorceress Morgan Le Fay attempted to kill Arthur; the quest for the Holy Grail; the romance of Lancelot and Guenevere, Arthur's wife; the passing of King Arthur, and more.Magnificent engravings appear throughout the text, further enhancing this splendid introduction to Camelot and its enchanting lore.These stories have inspired numerous film adaptations, including the 2017 release King Arthur: Legend of the Sword, directed by Guy Ritchie and starring Charlie Hunnam, Jude Law, Eric Bana, Djimon Hounsou, and Annabelle Wallis.


When Heidi, a cheerful 5-year-old orphan, comes to live with her grandfather in the Swiss Alps, she brings a bright ray of sunshine into the lives of the people around her. Young Peter, a goatherd, shares her love of nature, and his blind grandmother delights in the little girl's bubbling personality. Even Heidi's surly and hermit-like grandfather, the old Alm-Uncle, finds his long-lost grandchild a source of immense pleasure.A few years later, when she is forced to go to Frankfurt to serve as a companion for Klara, a well-to-do but sickly girl, Heidi must leave her beloved mountains and friends behind — an experience that proves highly traumatic to the innocent and sensitive little girl. But her return home and a visit from Klara result in magical moments that will leave young readers thoroughly captivated by this heartwarming tale of an unforgettable child and her effect on the people around her.Complete and unabridged, this story «for children and those who love children» will thrill today's youngsters just as it has delighted generations of young readers and listeners since its original publication in 1881.


Throughout the annals of literature there is one detective who reigns supreme — Mr. Sherlock Holmes of 221B Baker Street, London. From that celebrated address, Holmes and his friend Dr. Watson set out to solve the most difficult cases and bring to justice the master criminals of Victorian England.Now readers can enjoy the crime-solving exploits of the storied duo in this selection of favorite adventures. «The Adventure of the Dancing Men» concerns the appearance of mysterious stick-figure drawings, which prove disastrous to a country squire and his bride; «The Red-Headed League» pits Holmes against a clever bank robber, while «A Scandal in Bohemia» finds the detective locked in cerebral combat with Irene Adler, the only female who ever outwitted him (and the only one to steal his heart). In «The Final Problem» Holmes confronts the evil Professor Moriarty, «the Napoleon of Crime,» atop the Reichenbach Falls. Also included here are four other classic tales: «Silver Blaze,» «The Adventure of the Speckled Band,» «The Engineer’s Thumb,» and «The Crooked Man.»A great way to introduce younger readers to the world's best-known fictional detective, this affordable collection will entertain mystery lovers of all ages.


Like Sleeping Beauty awakening from her 100-year nap, the old childhood favorites arise fresh and blooming every time they're read. This handsome new compilation of some of the world's greatest fairy tales abounds in timeless stories of the struggle of good against evil, bravery in the face of overwhelming danger, and virtue rewarded with everlasting love. Recounted to Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm almost two centuries ago by European storytellers, the tales possess all of the most engaging elements of folklore — from magic spells and enchanted frogs to a colorful cast of noble princes, lovely maidens, giants, witches, and other fantastic characters. These 21 unabridged tales, selected from the more than 200 collected by the Brothers Grimm, include such unforgettable classics as «Snow White,» «The Elves and the Shoemaker,» «The Brave Little Tailor,» «The Golden Goose,» «Hansel and Gretel,» «Little Red Riding Hood,» «Rumpelstiltskin,» «Rapunzel,» and «Tom Thumb.»


When Rose Campbell, a shy orphan, arrives at «The Aunt Hill» to live with her six aunts and seven boisterous male cousins, she is quite overwhelmed. How could such a delicate young lady, used to the quiet hallways of a girls' boarding school, exist in such a spirited home? It is the arrival of Uncle Alec that changes everything. Much to the horror of her aunts, Rose's forward-thinking uncle insists that the child get out of the parlor and into the sunshine. And with a little courage and lots of adventures with her mischievous but loving cousins, Rose begins to bloom.Written by the beloved author of Little Women, Eight Cousins is a masterpiece of children's literature. This endearing novel offers readers of all ages an inspiring story about growing up, making friends, and facing life with strength and kindness.