
His wedding to Julia should have been the happiest event of Ben Carreras's life. And it was, until an old flame turned up claiming the baby boy in her arms was Ben's son–and threatening to put him up for adoption if Ben didn't take him.Ben couldn't deny the baby was his, or deny him a loving childhood. But how could he tell his new bride that he had a son who was about to become part of their family? He could only hope that their love for each other was strong enough to cope with this totally unexpected wedding gift….


‘You win, Alessandro.’Defeat leaves a bitter taste in lawyer Chase Evans’s mouth. She’s worked hard to put the mistakes of her past behind her, but it’s not in billionaire CEO Alessandro Moretti’s nature to forgive…or forget. And in this latest deal he holds all the cards.Despite her lies, Alessandro wants the elusive Chase in his bed now more than ever – and he’s not above blackmail to get her there. But his punishing regime of red-hot revenge backfires as his increasing desire for Chase threatens his legendary self-control, and still Chase and her secrets seem just out of his reach…‘I can’t stop thinking about the hero, he’s enchanting! Wonderful writing.’ – Suni, 39, WirralDiscover more at www.millsandboon.co.uk/cathywilliams


Jason was shocked at the change in Georgia. Seven years ago she'd innocently initiated their one spontaneous night of passion, become pregnant–then disappeared.Now Georgia was back and Jason intended to discover what had really happened to their baby. If that meant being with her every minute of every day–and night–until she told him the truth, then that's what he'd do….


Logan McKenzie liked his life exactly how it was with no surprises, and without a wife.Then Logan learned his mother was about to marry for the third time, and that Darcy, his very pretty stepsister-to-be, was in danger of being hurt by that marriage. So he found himself getting involved not only in trying to prevent the forthcoming nuptials, but with Darcy herself…and his carefully controlled existence was turned upside down!


Penny Jordan needs no introduction as arguably the most recognisable name writing for Mills & Boon. We have celebrated her wonderful writing with a special collection, many of which for the first time in eBook format and all available right now.She never thought love would spoil her marriage. Harassed by her brother-in-law's loathsome advances, Jessica decided that the only solution was marriage. And the easiest way to find a husband was to advertise in the newspaper! Besides, she reasoned, the experience could prove the thesis of her book: that romantic love was not the best foundation for marriage.Lyle Garnett, a busy English doctor needing a mother for his two troublesome sons, answered Jessica's ad. He seemed equally determined to keep their relationship strictly practical.But, to her dismay, Jessica fell in love with the irascible doctor and her theory began to crumble.



Half Arab prince, half French, Rafiq Al-Qadim wears his pride like a suit of armor…as Melanie had discovered when she fell in love with him years ago.Then Rafiq chose to believe ugly lies about her, and blew her out of his life like a grain of desert sand in the wind… But Melanie will never stop wanting Rafiq–unbeknownst to him, she gave birth to his child. Now that Robbie is old enough to need his father, Melanie is determined Rafiq will accept his son…even if he can never forgive her…


Surely Travis Baron is a man for whom any woman would want to bid! Blisteringly handsome and immensely successful, the corporate lawyer is the possible heir to Espada, his father's sprawling ranch–and he's up for grabs at a charity auction.But when Alexandra Thorpe wins Travis for the weekend, she doesn't claim her prize. Why has the cool blond beauty staked thousands of dollars on Travis…and then just walked away? Travis is determined to pursue the lady who bought him, and exact his own price!


For Gabe Considine, Grand Duke of Illyria and a ruthless billionaire businessman, it's payback time! He believes his ex-fiancée, Sara Milton, stole a priceless family heirloom and betrayed him with another man. Now Gabe wants his pride – and his property – returned!He'll lure Sara to his remote castle – and keep her there until she gives him everything he wants, even if he has to seduce her into submission.


Reece knew that Alanna would make the perfect trophy wife! Stunning and sophisticated, she wanted nothing more than a marriage of convenience. And that was fine by Reece!But suddenly, their comfortable life together was turned upside down when Reece discovered that his wife had a dark past. But, he realized, he wasn't prepared to lose Alanna – even if the only thing they shared was passion…