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Testing the Final Model to Measure the Experience of Nurses Discussion 18 Measuring the Effectiveness of a Care Delivery Model in Western Scotland The Caring Behaviors Assurance System (CBAS) Implementation of CBAS Measurement of CBAS Findings from the PCQI, the Operations of CBAS Assessment, and the HES Action Planning Discussion

      14  Epilogue: Imagining What Is Possible

      15  Appendix A: Worksheets Showing the Progression from a Full List of Predictor Variables to a Measurement Model

      16  Appendix B: The Key to Making Your Relationship-Based Care® Implementation Sustainable Is “I2E2

      17  Appendix D: Calculation for Cost of Falls

      18  Appendix D: Possible Clinical, Administrative, and Psychosocial Predictors of Readmission for Heart Failure in Fewer Than 30 Days After Discharge

      19  Appendix E: Process to Determine Variables for Lee, Jin, Piao, & Lee, 2016 Study

      20  Appendix F: Summary of National and International Heart Failure Guidelines National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) Guidelines

      21  Appendix G: Crosswalk Hospital Tool and Guidelines

      22  Appendix H: Comprehensive Model of 184 Variables Found in Guidelines and Hospital Tool

      23  Appendix I: Summary of Variables That Proved Insignificant After Analysis

      24  Appendix J: Summary of Inconclusive Findings

      25  Appendix K: Nine Tools for Measuring the Provision of Quality Patient Care and Related Variables

      26  Appendix L: Data From Pause and Flow Study Related to Participants’ Ability to Recall Moments of Pause and Flow Easily or with Reflection

      27  Appendix M: Identified Pauses and Proposed Interventions Resulting from a Pause and Flow Study

      28  Appendix N: Factors Related to a Focus on Pain Versus Factors Related to a Focus on Comfort

      29  Appendix O: Comfort/Pain Perception Survey (CPPS)—Patient Version

      30  Appendix P: Comfort/Pain Perception Survey (CPPS)—Care Provider Version

      31  Appendix Q: Predictors of OUD

      32  Appendix R: Personal Qualities of Clinicians and Others Suited to Become Trusted Others

      33  Appendix S: Qualities of Systems and Organizations Suited to Serve People Recovering from OUD

      34  Appendix T: Factor Loadings for Satisfaction with Staffing/Scheduling and Resources

      35  Appendix U: Detail Regarding Item Reduction of Instruments to Measure Caring

      36  Appendix V: Factor Loading for Items in the Healing Compassions Assessment (HCA) for Use in Western Scotland

      37  Appendix W: Factor Loadings of the Caring Professional Scale for Use in Western Scotland

      38  Appendix X: Factor Loadings for the Healing Compassion Survey—7Cs NHS Scotland (Staff Version)

      39  Appendix Y: Factor Analysis and Factor Ranking for Survey Items Related to Caring for Self and Caring of the Senior Charge Nurse

      40  Appendix Z: Demographics, Particularly Ward, as Predictors of Job Satisfaction

      41  Appendix AA: Demographic as Predictors of clarity

      42  Appendix BB: Correlates of Operations of CBAS with Items from the Healing Compassion Survey—7 Cs NHS Scotland (Staff Version)

      43  References

      44  Index

      45  End User License Agreement

      List of Tables

      1 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Factor loading of HCAHPS and CFS.

      2 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Number of readmissions and number of days from discharge to readmis...Table 9.2 Frequency of readmission in fewer than 30 days.Table 9.3 Disposition of patient upon discharge.Table 9.4 Readmission by cardiologist from 12‐month readmission data set.Table 9.5 Frequency of specific diagnoses concurrent with heart failure.Table 9.6 Frequency of concurrent diagnosis.

      3 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Number of staff members by unit and campus.

      4 Chapter 12Table 12.1 Variable descriptions from specified model of measurement for prev...Table 12.2 Frequency of audits and numbers of patients and line assessments.

      5 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Biomedical theories of pain.

      6 Chapter 15Table 15.1 Job satisfaction factors for nurses in Jamaica, from most to least...

      7 Chapter 16Table 16.1 Indicators of

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