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circuit model helps to understand the electrical property of a medium. It is further useful for simulating the electrical responses of a medium. The electrical property of a dielectric medium is expressed through relative permittivity that shows the electric energy storage ability of the medium. The capacitor also stores electric energy. Therefore, a dielectric medium is modeled as a capacitor. The loss in a medium is due to the dissipation of energy that is modeled as a resistor. Similarly, the permeability of a medium, such as an inductor, shows its ability to store magnetic energy. Therefore, the permeability of a medium is modeled as an inductor [B.10–B.12].

      4.3.1 RC Circuit Model of Lossy Dielectric Medium

      Figure (4.6b) shows a parallel‐plate capacitor, containing a lossy dielectric medium with complex relative permittivity images. It further shows its RC circuit model that is a parallel combination of the capacitor (C) and resistor (R). It is connected to a time‐harmonic voltage source v = v0ejωt that produces a time‐harmonic electric field, E = E0ejωt in the dielectric medium. The displacement current density in the dielectric medium is

      The displacement current density has two components with the quadrature phase:

      Both current components are shown in Fig. (4.6b). The loss‐tangent, showing the dissipation factor of the RC circuit, is defined using Fig. (4.6c):



      On replacing the dielectric medium of Fig. (4.6b) by the air medium, i.e. εr = 1, capacitance C0 is obtained:


      On using the above equations, the real and imaginary parts of a complex relative permittivity and loss tangent are defined in terms of the circuit elements:

      Figure (4.6d) shows the frequency response of a lossy dielectric medium, as predicted by the RC circuit model. The real part of the permittivity images is frequency independent, whereas the imaginary part of the permittivity images decreases hyperbolically with frequency. Some dielectric materials may not exhibit this kind of frequency response. More realistic circuit models may be needed for such a dielectric medium. Chapter 6 discusses a few more circuit models of the dielectric media.

      The loss‐tangent of a dielectric is also a measurable quantity. Manufacturers provide data on it. However, the loss of a semiconducting substrate is characterized by the conductivity (σ) of a substrate. Even a dielectric material can have some amount of free charge carriers, contributing to its conductivity

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