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Under such combined dispersion, and nonlinearity, a pulse can propagate without changing its shape. Such robust EM‐waves are called the solitons. The solitons are useful in optical communication. However, the solitons have also been generated in the microwaves frequency range

      4.2.5 Non‐lossy and Lossy Medium

      All physical dielectric and magnetic material media have some amount of loss. Normally, the substrates used in the microwave planar technology do not have a high loss, except the doped semiconducting substrates. The lossy dielectrics are known as the imperfect dielectrics. The losses in the dielectric and magnetic materials change the relative permittivity and permeability into complex quantities:

      The imaginary parts of the relative permittivity and permeability are taken as negative quantities due to our choice of time‐harmonic function ejωt. However, images and images are always positive quantities in a passive lossy medium. The lossy capacitor and the lossy inductor can model the complex relative permittivity and permeability of a medium. This is called the circuit modeling of a material medium. The modeling of the relative permittivity of a medium by the capacitor shows that both the medium and capacitor can store electric energy. Likewise, the relative permeability of medium and the corresponding inductor model both are the magnetic energy storage components.

      4.2.6 Static Conductivity of Materials


      In general, the Ohm’s law for the anisotropic medium is written in the vector form as images. Further, the expression is also obtained below for the conductivity σ of the material in terms of the basic parameters of mobile charges in a lossy material, i.e. in terms of electron charge and its mobility. The expression is also applicable to semiconductors. In the case of a semiconductor, the conduction current is due to both the electrons (negative charges) and holes (positive charges).

Schematic illustration of circuit model, parameters of a dielectric medium.


      In the limiting case, images. Thus, images and the conduction current density is


      In a material, the charge movement is random due to the scattering and so forth. However, an average motion is assumed, giving the drift of charges in the x‐direction with a drift velocity images. The drift velocity is proportional to the electric field intensity that provides another expression for Jc:


      If N is the number of free charges per unit volume, with charge q on each carrier, the charge density is ρe = Nq. The equation (4.2.24) of the conductivity is changed to


      In the case of a conductor, the charge carrier is electron, i.e. q = qe (the electron charge) and μ = μem (electron mobility). However, for a semiconductor, its conductivity σs is due to both electrons and holes leading to the following expression:


      where Ne and Nh are numbers of electrons and holes per unit volume. The charges on electron and holes are equal qe = qh = e = 1.6 × 10−19 Coulombs. The electron and hole mobilities, in a semiconductor, are images and images, respectively. The signs of qe and images are negative, whereas the signs of qh and images are positive. However, the conductivity σs of a semiconductor is always positive.


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