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(4.3), is a nonhomogeneous medium, where the relative permittivity εr(x) is a function of position x in discrete steps. The conductivity of a doped Si substrate is a function of the depth of penetration of the charged carrier, forming a continuously variable nonhomogeneous medium.


      4.2.3 Isotropic and Anisotropic Medium

      Inside the isotropic dielectric medium, the electric displacement vector images and the electric field intensity images are parallel to each other, i.e. the applied electric field views the same relative permittivity of a medium in all directions. Likewise, the magnetic displacement vector images is parallel to the magnetic field intensity images within the isotropic medium. These properties are expressed through constitutive relations (4.1.7a) and (4.1.7b). For the isotropic media, permittivity and permeability are scalar quantities.

      However, there are dielectrics, such as quartz, sapphire, alumina, MgO, and so forth, where images and images are not parallel to each other, i.e. they are not in the same direction. Such dielectrics form the anisotropic medium. In such a medium, the relative permittivity viewed by the applied electric field is direction‐dependent. For instance, Fig. (4.3a) forms a composite anisotropic medium as the effective permittivity along the x‐axis is different from the effective permittivity along the z‐axis. Similarly, magnetic materials such as ferrite, garnet, and so forth are also anisotropic because images and images vectors are not in the same direction. Several authors have treated the properties of anisotropic medium and EM‐wave propagation through such media in detail [B.1–B.4, B.9, B.11, B.13–B.15, B.17–B.23]. This subsection reviews basic concepts related to anisotropic media.

      The relative permittivity and relative permeability of these anisotropic media are not scalar quantities. They are tensor quantity, images described by 3 × 3 matrices. The constitutive relations of such electric and magnetic media are written as follows:

      The above equations can be written in a more compact form as


      The above permittivity and permeability matrices could be either symmetric or anti‐symmetric. Thus, the anisotropic materials could be divided into two broad groups: (i) symmetric anisotropic materials and (ii) anti‐symmetric anisotropic materials. The symmetric anisotropic materials support linearly polarized EM‐waves propagating as the normal modes of the homogeneous unbounded medium. However, circularly polarized EM‐waves are the normal modes of the anti‐symmetric anisotropic medium. The normal modes of media travel without any change in polarization.

      Symmetric Anisotropic Materials

      The complex permittivity matrix images, showing the permittivity tensor, of symmetric anisotropic dielectric material is a Hermitian symmetric matrix, i.e. the following relation holds:


      In the above equation, the matrix elements images are the complex conjugate of the matrix elements images. The superscript T shows the transpose of the permittivity matrix. The above relation also holds for a real permittivity tensor of symmetric anisotropic dielectric material. In a dielectric material case, the off‐diagonal elements of the matrix are symmetrical, i.e. εr, xy = εr, yx, and so forth. Similar expression can also be obtained for the symmetric anisotropic magnetic material. However, some media do not follow this symmetry rule.

      The crystal axes (ξ, η, ς) are rotated with respect to the physical axes (x, y, z) by the angles θ1, θ2, and θ3. The off‐diagonal elements of [εr] in equation (4.2.4) are present due to the nonalignment of two coordinate systems. However, if they are aligned, i.e. θ1 = θ2 = θ3 = 0, then the off‐diagonal elements of [εr] are zero; and the constitutive relation (4.2.4a) reduces to


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