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line is given by equation (2.1.39). In the limiting case, ω → 0, i.e. at a lower frequency, it is reduced to a real quantity that is dominated by the lossy elements of a line:


      The characteristic impedance Z0 at very high frequency, i.e. for ω → ∞, is also reduced to a real quantity. However, now it is dominated by the lossless reactive elements:

      The measured or computed complex characteristic impedance of a line, over a certain frequency range, with a negative imaginary part, indicates that the loss in the line is mainly due to the conductor loss [J.4].

      The alternative case of a lossy line, with G ≠ 0, R = 0, could be also considered. In this case, the conductor loss is ignored; however, the dielectric loss is dominant. The characteristic impedance of such line is approximated as follows:



      Propagation Constant

      On neglecting ω2, ω3, and ω4 terms, the real part of the propagation constant γ provides the attenuation constant, whereas the imaginary part gives the propagation constant:


      The first term of the above equation (2.1.50a) shows the conductor loss of a line, while the second term shows its dielectric loss. If R and G are frequency‐independent, the attenuation in a line would be frequency‐independent under ωL >> R and ωC >> G conditions. However, usually, R is frequency‐dependent due to the skin effect. In some cases, G could also be frequency‐dependent [B.7].


      On neglecting the second‐order term, β becomes a linear function of frequency and the line is dispersionless. In that case, its phase velocity is also independent of frequency. A lossy line is dispersive. However, it also becomes dispersionless under the Heaviside's condition – (2.1.48). A transmission line, such as a microstrip in the inhomogeneous medium, can have dispersion even without losses.


      2.1.6 Wave Equation with Source

      In the above discussion, the development of the voltage and current wave equations has ignored the voltage or current source. However, a voltage or current source is always required to launch the voltage and current waves on a line. Therefore, it is appropriate to develop the transmission line equation with a source [B.8]. The consideration of a voltage/current source is important to solve the electromagnetic field problems of the layered medium planar lines, discussed in chapters 14 and 16.

      Shunt Current Source