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His road companions that in order to find what they seek, it is enough for them to come and see.8 If to come one must get under way; to see, one need only to open one’s eyes. The essence of their search entirely rests upon two action verbs, which he conjugates as two invitations: to approach him, and to keep the eyes of the soul wide open.

      Additionally, God, whom they truly seek, can be found everywhere, even where most unexpected. It is not necessary to turn to sacralized spaces for that purpose, where some would like to demarcate the privileges of the encounter. Because there are people who soon after becoming aware of a place where someone once had a glimpse of the divine immediately take control of it and create upon it an oratory, a temple, a basilica or monastery, which they zealously keep under their own tutelage. To find him, you need only follow him. And that is what John and Andrew are doing.

      He knows the depth of their thirst and what can transform their lives. That is why He invites them to follow Him, not with orders or demands, and not with resorting to the fear of punishment, but with a simple and cordial welcome, making them desire the adventures of discovery. His positive pedagogy arouses in these young men the urge to progress, advance, and grow.

      He has given up the easy routine of His profession as a craftsman to follow the difficult vocation of an educator. He has stopped building and furnishing homes to start building and furnishing minds, a challenging call that imposes on His spirit with all the force of that which comes from heaven.

      Upon closing His carpentry shop, His family circle and His neighbors insisted that He was making a serious mistake. Being such a good professional and with His exceptional talent, leaving the modest security of His customers, thereby risking His future, seemed like madness to them. It always happens like so. If the greatest resistance to do something big tends to come from ourselves, the most reticent opposition to assume new risks can emerge from our closest surroundings and from those who love us most.

      The day draws to a close on the travelers. The sun sets between golden-reddish clouds. But in the hearts of those three young men something very new awakens.

      A magical, pivotal encounter for the disciple apprentices as well as for the new Teacher . . .

      Therefore the great lesson from the Teacher to His first disciples and to all those who will follow them is to learn to conjugate the verb to love. Beginning right there and continuing in their homes, in their neighborhoods, in the towns where they live, in the shops where they work, in the spaces where they enjoy recreation and, of course, in the sanctuaries where they worship. If the divine Word has come closer to them because of love, practicing the verb to love will now also be the way to get closer to another and elevate themselves to heaven.

      And so, the young men discover that, in the company of Jesus, to find the meaning of their lives, they do not need to seek a place but a person. That to feel the presence of God, withdrawing themselves to the solemnity of a temple is not necessary. His closeness is also found in the refreshing embrace of water from a bath at sundown. That to enter into communion with the sustainer of all things, participating in the ritual of a sacrifice, is not necessary. One can take communion with Him by gratefully sharing several bits of pomegranate and a handful of dates. That to get closer to the Creator of the universe, no mystical initiation is required; allowing yourself be carried away by the emotion of an astonished contemplation of the stars suffices.

      The travelers have found the Teacher whom were searching for. But the latter puzzles them. He shatters all their plans. He does not fall within any of their categories. They do not know how to describe Him: admirable adviser, Teacher and friend, path and goal, love in person, serene joy, truth and life . . .

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